Official development assistance

Since the MDG Gap Task Force Report 2008, there have been a number of reconfirmations by the developed countries of their commitments to increase official development assistance (ODA). The Doha Declaration, adopted by Member States of the United Nations at the Follow-up to the International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus in December 2008, stated that “[t]he fulfilment of all ODA commitments is crucial, including the commitments by many developed countries to achieve the target of 0.7 per cent of [GNI] for ODA to developing countries by 2015 and to reach the level of at least 0.5 per cent of [GNI] for ODA by 2010”. It also “welcomed the declaration by the leaders of the Group of Eight in Hokkaido, Japan, that they are firmly committed to working to fulfil their commitments made at Gleneagles, Scotland, including increasing, compared to 2004, with other donors, ODA to Africa by $25 billion a year by 2010”.

Related Subject(s): Economic and Social Development
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