The declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the International Development Strategy calls for regular reviews and appraisals of objectives and policies during the Second Development Decade. The Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East at its twenty-sixth session also stressed the need for performance evaluation during the Second Development Decade. It requested the Executive Secretary to take action for conducting regular appraisals and evaluation of progress at the regional level along the guidelines and within the framework of the global strategy for the decade. The Commission also requested the Executive Secretary to appoint a continuing group of reputed experts to assist the secretariat in preparing relevant documentation for performance evaluation by the Commission at the regional level, (a) to provide guidance on criteria and indicators to be used for performance appraisal at the regional level and (b) to provide guidance for the ECAFE secretariat in respect of (i) the regular country economic surveys available to it and (ii) the Economic Survey of Asia and the Far East. The Expert Group convened in December 1971 and formulated some guidelines and suggested a number of topics for detailed study for the first biennial review of social and economic developments in ECAFE developing countries during the Second United Nations Development Decade. At its second session held in December 1972, the Expert Group considered the draft of the first biennial review and made some useful comments which have been incorporated wherever feasible.

Related Subject(s): Economic and Social Development
Sustainable Development Goals:
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