Reconciling Development and Environmental Goals

Measuring the Impact of Policies

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Policy coherence is increasingly in the interest of OECD countries and developing countries alike, given their growing economic, social and environmental interdependence. This report presents scenarios showing numerical results of changes to individual policies as well as policy packages implemented simultaneously by OECD and developing countries. The results can be used to anticipate the outcomes of decisions and implement the appropriate set of policies. The scenarios also show how policy combinations could substantially improve both economic and environmental outcomes together, confirming the need for policy coherence. 



The OECD has been engaged in a programme to study Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) that addresses a broad range of areas. This has included institutional approaches, specific policy areas, regional experiences and country case studies. The programme aims to achieve greater integration of OECD-country efforts to encourage non-OECD country economic growth. It does so by helping to develop a better understanding of how various policies in OECD countries impact on the development prospects and competitiveness of developing countries. A new direction of the OECD work in this area is to use quantitative modelling to develop numerical results of some of the linkages between environment and development objectives and policies.


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