Policy Coherence for Development 2007

Migration and Developing Countries

image of Policy Coherence for Development 2007

This edition of the Development Centre's annual report on policy coherence focuses on migration. The book examines the costs and benefits of migration for developing countries and how these flows can be better organised to yield greater benefits for all parties concerned -- migrant-sending countries, migrant-receiving countries, and the migrants themselves. It takes stock of what we know about the effects of migration on development, and distills from that knowledge a set of policy recommendations for sending and receiving countries alike. It draws on a large number of country and regional case studies co-ordinated by the OECD Development Centre to illustrate the mechanisms that link migration and development: labour-market effects, brain drain, remittances, diaspora networks and return migration.

English Also available in: French

Coherence of Policies for More Effective Management

OECD Development Centre

Greater coherence – between ministries within a country and between countries – among migration policies, development co-operation policies, as well as employment, trade and security policies is required for all parties to gain more from migration. Existing institutional set-ups must be overhauled to increase policy coherence; countries must seek mechanisms to promote communication, negotiation and consensus building among policy communities and their constituencies. As argued in previous chapters, OECD countries must interlink migration and development policies; developing countries, for their part, must mainstream migration and remittances in their national development strategies. Enhanced partnerships between sending and receiving countries may be an effective mechanism for assuring that interlinked and coherent policies are put in place and properly implemented. In addition, migration, employment, trade, investment and development assistance considerations must also be jointly addressed at the national and global levels.

English Also available in: French

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