Total official and private flows are defined as the sum of official development assistance, other official flows and private flows. This represents the total (gross or net) disbursements by the official and private sector of the creditor country to the recipient country. Total official flows incorporate the sum of concessional and non-concessional flows to developing countries, including export credits, which have a primarily commercial motive. Private flows are defined as flows at market terms and financed out of private sector resources and private grants.
This indicator is measured in million USD constant prices, using 2021 as the base year.
Other official flows (OOF) are defined as official sector transactions that do not meet official development assistance (ODA) criteria. OOF include: grants to developing countries for representational or essentially commercial purposes; official bilateral transactions intended to promote development, but having a grant element of less than 25%; and, official bilateral transactions, whatever their grant element, that are primarily export-facilitating in purpose. This category includes, by definition: export credits extended directly to an aid recipient by an official agency or institution (official direct export credits); the net acquisition by governments and central monetary institutions of securities issued by multilateral development banks at market terms; subsidies (grants) to the private sector to soften its credits to developing countries; and, funds in support of private investment.
This indicator is measured in million USD constant prices, using 2021 as the base year.
Private flows are defined as financial flows at market terms financed out of private sector resources (changes in holdings of private, long-term assets held by residents of the reporting country) and private grants (grants by non-government organisations, net of subsidies received from the official sector). Private capital flows can be divided into: foreign direct investment; portfolio equity (the buying and selling of stocks and shares); remittances sent home by migrants; and private sector borrowing.
This indicator is measured in million USD constant prices, using 2021 as the base year.
Grants by private voluntary agencies and non-government organisations (NGOs) are defined as transfers made by private voluntary agencies and NGOs in cash, goods or services for which no payment is required. The private sector comprises private corporations, households and non-profit institutions serving households. Development funding from the private sector is becoming more significant. This includes private foundations, which play an increasing role in funding development and in finding innovative ways to promote it; non-government organisations; and the for-profit private sector.
This indicator is measured in million USD constant prices, using 2021 as the base year.
Development resource flows
Development resource flows includes measuring the inflow of resources to recipient countries through: bilateral official development assistance (ODA); grants; concessional and non-concessional development lending by multilateral financial institutions; and other official flows, including refinancing loans, that are considered to be for development purposes, but which have too low a grant element to qualify as ODA.
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