Development Co-operation Report 2010

image of Development Co-operation Report 2010

The Development Co-operation Report, issued by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), is the key annual reference for statistics and analysis on the latest trends in international aid.

With only five years left to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), much remains to be done. The task has become even more challenging given the economic, food and climate change crises of recent years. This report describes how the DAC has responded swiftly, putting the development dimension of these crises firmly on the political agenda and keeping the development community focused on providing more aid, and delivering it more effectively.

In times of economic uncertainty, it is particularly important for aid to provide value for money, and to ensure that it is not misused. The development community has responded by sharpening its focus on corruption; targeting and communicating clear development impacts; working increasingly through developing countries’ own systems to build capacity; and intensifying efforts in the poorest 30% of developing countries – a critical step toward achieving the MDGs. The report also describes how the DAC member countries intend to make their aid truly effective in the decades to come, by ensuring that climate change is addressed in each of their policy choices and by developing a broader, more inclusive approach.

English Also available in: German, French

Aid for Trade

A Route Out of Poverty?

Many developing countries consider trade to be a key component of their growth and poverty reduction strategies. However, trade flows are estimated to have declined by around 10% in 2009 as a consequence of the economic crisis, undermining confidence in trade’s role as an engine for growth and poverty reduction. Despite this, turning away from trade is not the answer. On the contrary, this chapter argues that it is all the more important to ensure that the right conditions are in place for integrating developing countries into regional and global markets.

English Also available in: German, French

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