Creditor Reporting System 2009

Aid activities in support of agriculture

image of Creditor Reporting System 2009
This publication presents comprehensive statistics on aid flows to agriculture. The analysis covers the years 2002-2007, including trends in donors’ aid, geographical focus of flows, and a broader picture of donors’ short and long term interventions to address food security issues. Individual donor profiles provide summary statistics in the form of charts and tables. 

The publication also records the relevant aid activities reported by DAC members and multilateral institutions to the CRS Aid Activity database (Creditor Reporting System) in 2007.  The information is based on individual commitments and disbursements of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to agriculture. 

Data presented are unique, comparable and consistent with definitions and methodologies of DAC statistics. The information is designed to meet  the needs of development agencies and institutions for information relevant to programming and analysis by country and by sector.  

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