OECD Journal on Development

  • Discontinued

The journal of the OECD Development Assistance Committee that includes reports on the DAC’s reviews of member country’s development co-operation policies, as well as analytical reports on various development issues.  The first issue of the year always presents the DAC Chairman’s annual Development Co-operation Report.

English Also available in: French

Central Africa and the Cross-border Regions

Reconstruction and Integration Prospects

The study in question shows the potential embodied in the regional forces around three large Central African basins: the North West basin (Atlantic Ocean), the East basin (Indian Ocean) and the South basin (southern Africa). It serves as a back-up to the Initiative for Central Africa (INICA) which is an informal framework for dialogue and a bridge between the local and regional levels, the aim of which is to provide backing for regional actors who develop initiatives conducive to a return to peace and stability in the region...

English Also available in: French

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