OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews: Germany 2021

image of OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews: Germany 2021

The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) conducts reviews of the individual development co operation efforts of its members every five to six years. DAC peer reviews critically examine the overall performance of a given member covering its policy, programmes and systems. They take an integrated, system wide perspective on the development co operation activities of the member under review and its approach to fragility, crisis and humanitarian assistance.

This peer review shows that Germany invests in fair and sustainable globalisation and a rules-based multilateral order. It provided 0.73% of its national income as official development assistance in 2020. The country is adjusting its engagement with Africa and reforming the way it delivers development co-operation. Germany could be more systematic in analysing and addressing the spill-over effects of its policies on developing countries. German development co-operation would benefit from a clearer vision and greater investment in gender equality and leaving no one behind, and embedding a culture of results. Its clear vision and comprehensive approach to crises would benefit from better defining short and long-term engagements.

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