Aid Effectiveness

A Progress Report on Implementing the Paris Declaration

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The 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness defines the principles and commitments by which donors and developing countries intend to ensure that aid is as effective as possible in contributing to the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed development objectives. This report is a mid-term review of progress towards these commitments, drawing on the 2008 Paris Declaration Monitoring Survey and the Evaluation Synthesis Report among many other sources.

Part I highlights the main actionable lessons and messages emerging from the analysis of progress to date. Part II covers the commitments under the five Partnership Principles related to ownership, alignment, harmonisation, development results and mutual accountability, together with four subjects of critical relevance: sector perspectives, the role of civil society organisations, situations of fragility and conflict, and the changing aid architecture.

English Also available in: French

Main Messages

The report is a mid-term review of progress made by donors and partners in implementing the 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. Part I highlights some of the main political messages requiring attention by Ministers at the 2008 Accra High Level Forum. Drawing on evidence from Part II and notably the 2008 evaluation synthesis and the monitoring survey, Part I emphasises in particular that good progress is being made in some important respects, but speeding up implementation will be key to meeting the 2010 targets. This will require increased political leadership and the involvement of wider groups beyond governments and official donors. Patterns of behaviour and aid management practices will only change if the underlying incentives shift. While the principles of the Paris Declaration are largely validated including the centrality of partner country ownership, new dilemmas and tasks are emerging. These are highlighted in Part II of the report.

English Also available in: French

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