Business use of broadband

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This indicator provides information on how many businesses use a broadband connection. Data typically come from surveys/questionnaires given to a sample subset of businesses. The results are then extrapolated for the country as a whole. The drawbacks of the survey data are that it is collected infrequently and that the questions asked about broadband usage are not necessarily uniform across OECD countries. This indicator is measured in percentage of all businesses and is available by business size or by business sector.

Business use of broadband




Definition of
Business use of broadband

This indicator provides information on how many businesses use a broadband connection. Data typically come from surveys/questionnaires given to a sample subset of businesses. The results are then extrapolated for the country as a whole. The drawbacks of the survey data are that it is collected infrequently and that the questions asked about broadband usage are not necessarily uniform across OECD countries. This indicator is measured in percentage of all businesses and is available by business size or by business sector.


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