• Workforce-management reforms and the creation of a modern and dynamic humanresources management (HRM) system are essential to equip the public sector to play its part in Colombia’s economic and social development. Effective integration of the management of the public-sector workforce into overall public-management reform efforts is central to ensuring that public-sector HRM supports the strategic needs of government. This will increase confidence that public institutions are productive, well-managed and operating in the public interest – for the good of citizen and the benefit of the country.

  • This Annex examines how the government of Colombia can use public procurement in a more transparent and effective manner to achieve policy objectives.

  • Colombia is emerging as an important economic actor in Latin America and in the world. Significant progress has been made on a number of fronts over the last decade, including in reducing crime and enhancing security along with improvements in infrastructure and in the delivery of public services. The country is marked by flourishing optimism and confidence in the future (see Chapter 1).