Share of elderly older than 65 and 75 in the total population
Pre- and post-crisis government gross financial liabilities, 2007 and 2014 (or latest year available)
Poverty has shifted from the old to the young across OECD countries
Employment rate for people aged 55-59, 60-64 and 65-69, OECD and G20 countries, 2014
Current and future retirement ages for a man entering the labour market at age 20
Current and future retirement-age gap between men and women entering the labour market at age 20
Future net replacement rates for low and average income earners in OECD and G20 countries
Years of contribution or residence required for basic pensions
Years required for minimum pension
Basic pensions as a percentage of average earnings
Full minimum pensions as percentage of average earnings
Take-up of minimum and safety-net pensions, 2012
Value of first-tier benefits as a percentage of average earnings
Comparisons between safety-net benefits and basic/minimum pensions
Clawback in the supplementary schemes
Safety-net benefits compared to GDP per capita
Safety-net benefits and poverty levels among the over-65s
Indexation of first-tier pensions to achieve constant expenditure (as a share of GDP) over 2015-60 given population ageing
Comparison between different indexation approaches to first-tier benefits, assuming the age threshold increases by five years
Effect of different indexation approaches on benefit level, assuming the age threshold increases by five years
Employment rates by birth cohort and age group, OECD average
Reasons for exiting the labour market, men and women, aged 25-49, 2014
Age of labour market entry in selected OECD countries, 2013
The effectiveness of unemployment insurance provisions, OECD countries
Employment rates among men and women
Incidence of part-time employment by gender, 2013
Maternal employment rates by the age of the youngest child and by the number of children, 2014
The duration and benefit entitlements of parental and home care leave in OECD countries, 2014
Trends in the average effective age of labour market exit, OECD and EU average
Labour market exit paths among men and women, aged 55-64
Estimates of prospective pension entitlements for delayed entry at the age of 25 and exit at national retirement age compared to baseline, average-wage worker
Impact of career breaks for childcare and unemployment on future pension entitlements at different earnings levels, OECD average
The gross pension entitlements of low-, average-, and high-earning mothers who interrupt their careers for five and ten years versus those of their peers with unbroken careers
The gross pension entitlements of low-, average-, and high-earning workers with unemployment-related career breaks versus workers with unbroken careers
Future gross replacement results for male average earners under the new and old economic assumptions
Gross replacement rate for average earners with different wage growth
Gross replacement rate for average earners with differing rates of return
Gross replacement rate for average earners with 3% rate of return and variable conversion factor
Gross replacement rate, for average earners, by discount rate
Gross replacement rate, for average earners, by mortality level
Future gross replacement results for male average earners under Pensions at a Glance 2015 and country-specific assumptions
Value of basic and minimum pensions
Recipients of safety-nets and minimum pensions
Current retirement age in 2014 for a person who entered the labour force at age 20
Gross pension replacement rates: Average earners at retirement age and age 80
Gross pension replacement rates: Low and high earners
Personal income taxes and social security contributions paid by pensioners and workers
Net pension replacement rates: Average earners
Net pension replacement rates: Low and high earners
Gross pension wealth for lower earners by gender
Gross pension wealth for average earners by gender
Gross versus net pension wealth, men, average earner
Gross versus net pension wealth, women, average earner
Life expectancy at birth, in years, men and women, born in 2010-15
Expected remaining life expectancy at age 65, in years for women in 2010-15 and 2060-65
Expected remaining life expectancy at age 65, in years for men in 2010-15 and 2060-65
Employment rates of workers aged 55 to 59, 60 to 64 and 65 to 69 in 2014
Changes in employment rate of older workers 2004 to 2014
Average effective age of labour-market exit and normal pensionable age in 2014
Average labour market exit age in OECD countries, 1970-2014
Expected years in retirement by gender in 2014
Average years in retirement across all OECD countries, 1970-2014
Income sources of old people, 2012 or latest available
Income poverty rates by age
Private pension assets by type of financing vehicle in selected OECD countries, 2013
Relative shares of DB, DC and hybrid pension fund assets in selected OECD countries, 2013
Pension funds' asset allocation for selected investment categories in selected OECD countries, 2013
Public pension reserve funds' asset allocation for selected investment categories in selected OECD countries, 2013
Pension funds' real net investment return in selected OECD countries, 2012-13
PPRFs' real net investment return in selected OECD countries, 2012-13
Pension funds' operating expenses as a share of total investments in selected OECD countries, 2013
Average funding ratio of DB pension plans in selected OECD countries, 2012-13