Growth is regaining momentum
Share of firms using cloud computing, 2016
Adults with advanced digital proficiency
Well-being is high
Redistribution plays an important role
Divergences in life satisfaction
The low-educated face special pressures
Migration inflows have fostered labour supply
Job tenure is long and geographic mobility low
Austria's market share in main export destinations
Recent developments
Evolution of macro-financial vulnerabilities since 2007
Fiscal balances have improved but debt remains high
Long-term fiscal pressures arising from ageing are high
The public debt path is highly uncertain
Revenue and spending structures offer room for reform
Bank profitability and capital adequacy are relatively low
Monetary policy transmission operates well but there are signs of friction
Potential growth has weakened
Participation increased but mainly in part-time jobs
Labour productivity growth by sector
Retail and professional services remain over-regulated
Advanced digital infrastructures are less used in Austria
Enterprises lag behind peers in most ICT applications
The overall degree of digitalisation is behind its expected level
Small firms display distinct weaknesses in ICTs
ICT adoption gaps between population groups: the case of e-commerce
Differences in skills use at work between Austria and peer countries
The adult population's digital proficiency is lower than in peer countries
Green growth indicators: Austria
Austria is an innovation leader in e-government but diffusion is slow among households
ICT usage across industries
Machine-to-machine mobile cellular subscriptions
Broadband connectivity
Digital marketing
Digital management
Cloud computing
Too few Austrians have advanced digital skills
Austria's position in ICT-specialist skills
Austrian firms' work processes are less information-intensive
The organisation of ICT functions in firms differs from peer countries
Firm demographics may be affecting the modernisation of business models
Broadband connectivity of households
Average advertised download speeds
Use of computers and internet by households
Specific internet applications used by households
Influence of age
Influence of education
Influence of gender
Influence of immigration origin
Fibre subscriptions among countries
Change in employment shares between 1998 and 2015
Employment rates in Austria by age and level of education
Automation will affect a large share of jobs
Estimated effect of skill use at work on automatibility of jobs
“Bright outlook occupations” in the United States
Structure of general government revenues
Many 15-year-olds lack basic scientific skills
Attitudes towards science
Problem-solving by educational attainment
Status of the 20-24 year-olds
Upper secondary enrolment rates of 15-19 year-olds
Time to first employment by type of education
Median monthly earnings by type of educational track
Participation rate in education and training
Employment by gender and age of youngest child in household
Employment rates of 55-64 year olds
Educational attainment and labour market status by place of birth
Field-of-study mismatch by field and occupational group
Policy reforms can reduce skills mismatch
Differences in the use of ICT at work
Difference in the prevalence of learning and flexibility at work