Percentage of tertiary-educated adults in 2000 and 2012
Population whose highest level of education is upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary, by programme orientation (2012)
Percentage of younger and older tertiary-educated adults (2012)
Mean literacy score, by educational attainment (2012)
Percentage of adults scoring at literacy proficiency Level 4/5, by educational attainment (2012)
Percentage of younger and older adults scoring at literacy proficiency Level 4/5 (2012)
Distribution of skills and readiness to use information and communication technologies (ICT) for problem solving (PS) among adult population
Frequency of using ICT at home (index 1-5) across people with different skills and readiness to use information and communication technologies (ICT) for problem solving (PS)
Difference in salary (%) compared to the group 0 (no use, no skills), adjusted for age and education
Upper secondary graduation rates (2012)