Questionnaires by respondents
Case stories by sector
Population living on less than USD 2 per day (2008-12) and number of days needed to export (2005)
Doing Business costs to export, USD per container, 2014
Average number of days required to export by income group
Correlation between improvement in logistics performance and GDP growth rate
What contribution can reducing trade costs make to the target of inclusive, sustainable growth?
Changes in road governance conditions 2010-2013 in West Africa
Number of partner country survey respondents indicating that a particular source of trade costs is important (goods)
Number of donor country survey respondents indicating that a particular source of trade costs is important (goods)
Importance of trade costs sources (services): partner country view
Importance of trade costs sources (services): donor view
Impacts from actions to reduce trade costs
Outputs achieved by actions taken to reduce trade costs
Outcomes achieved by actions to reduce trade costs
Impacts achieved by actions to reduce trade costs
Types of actions that have achieved the most positive results in reducing trade costs for goods and services
Percent change in trade costs versus percent change in merchandise exports, 1995-2012
Trade costs in manufacturing relative to agriculture versus manufactures exports as a proportion of total merchandise exports, 2012
Trade costs in manufacturing versus GVC participation index, 2009
Structure of Logistics Expenditures
Partner country impacts associated with actions taken to reduce trade costs
Trade costs in manufacturing, 1996 and 2010, by income group
Trade costs in agriculture, 1996 and 2010, by income group
Trade costs in manufacturing, 1996 and 2010, by region
Trade costs in manufacturing, 1996 and 2010, by landlocked versus other developing countries
Logistic Performance Index score versus trade costs, 2012
Linear Shipping Connectivity Index versus trade costs, 2012
Cost of market entry versus trade costs, 2012
Trade costs for country pairs not in an RTA versus in the same RTA, 2012
Policy dimensions and income levels
GDP per capita and Aggregate Trade Costs
Trade costs in manufacturing, 1996 and 2010, by landlocked versus other developing countries (graph)
Actions undertaken or ongoing in partner countries to reduce trade costs
Key factors in achieving trade cost reductions in partner countries
Aid for Trade share by category (Total disbursements 2006-2013)
Trade-related OOF share by category (Total disbursements 2006-2013)
Aid for Trade disbursements by region and income group, 2006-2013, % share in total Aid for Trade
Trade-related OOF disbursements by region and income group, 2006-2013, % share in total trade-related OOF
Aid for Trade: Top 10 recipients (Total disbursements 2006-2013)
Trade-related OOF: Top 10 recipients (Total disbursements 2006-2013)
Aid for Trade: Top 10 aid providers (Total disbursements 2006-2013)
Trade-related OOF: Top 10 providers (Total disbursements 2006-2013)
Aggregate findings (impacts) from the public and private sector case studies
Donor aid-for-trade priorities
Partner priorities
Aid for trade by category
Aid for trade by region, commitments
Aid for trade by income group, commitments
Trade-related OOF by category
Trade-related OOF by region, commitments
Trade-related OOF by income group, commitments
Trade facilitation funding commitments, 2002-2013
Trade facilitation disbursements, 2002-2013
Trade facilitation commitments by region, 2002-2013
LDCs' costs of exporting and importing, 2005-2 14
Cost of exporting and importing from LDCs in the Central Africa sub-region, 2005-2014
Costs of exporting and importing from LDCs in South Asia sub-region, 2005-2014
Export and import costs of landlocked LDCs vis-à-vis coastal LDCs, 2005-2014
Cost of exporting for commodity-exporting LDCs, 2005-14
Costs of exports in fragile states, their sub-regions and LDCs, 2005-14
Disbursements, developing countries - LDCs, 2006-13
Shares of aid for trade disbursement for nine LDC sub-groups, 2006-13
Aid for Trade to East Africa and South Asia sub-regions (disbursements)
Average GVC participation index by region over 1996-2011
Average intra and extra-regional participation in GVCs across regions in 2011
Relative contributions of non-policy and policy factors in participation ratio
The estimated impact of other policies on GVC integration
Trade costs across regions
Infrastructure quality in regions
TFIs and geographic country groups
Potential reduction in trade costs by regional grouping (%)
Aid flows for trade facilitation and infrastructure from 2004-13 by regions
How have the following aspects of trade costs evolved over the past five years?
What are the three factors in which you would most value improvements: SMEs versus large firms
What are the three factors related to border procedures in which you would most value improvements?
Exporters affected by Non-Tariff Measures-related obstacles, by sector
Types of burdensome Non-Tariff Measures applied by partner countries by sector
Exporters affected by Non-Tariff Measure-related obstacles, by company size
Share of cases of burdensome non-tariff measures versus share of exports across trading partners, by sector
Reasons making Non-Tariff Measures burdensome for exporters, by sector
Procedural obstacles related to Non-Tariff Measures
Components of trade costs in which trade support institutions would most value improvements
Factors related to border procedures in which trade support institutions would most value improvements
Log of exports of goods and services per capita versus the log of TPO budgets per capita
Donor approaches for promoting private sector development (PSD)
Key focus areas of donor support for PSD
ODA Committed to Building Productive Capacity (BPC)
Types of support provided by donors to encourage donor company investment
Estimated Tariff revenues as % of GDP
Ad valorem equivalents of SPS, TBT and other NTMs, by sector
Contribution of the Aid for Trade Initiative to the post-2015 development agenda
Contribution of a reduction in trade costs to inclusive and sustainable development
The most problematic factors for exporting and importing, by income group Weighted scores in points, 2014
The Enabling Trade Index 2014: Income group averages and best performers
ETI score 2010 and 2014, and average aid-for-trade disbursements 2005-12 (% of GDP)
ETI score 2014 by pillar and aid-for-trade recipient group
ETI pillar-4 score 2010 and 2014 and average infrastructure aid-for-trade disbursements 2005-12
ETI pillar-3 score 2010 and 2014 and average infrastructure aid-for-trade disbursements 2005-12
ETI pillar-6 Score 2010 and 2014, and average ICT aid-for-trade disbursements 2005-12
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Afghanistan (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Antigua and Barbuda (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Bangladesh (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Belize (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Benin (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Bhutan (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Botswana (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Burkina Faso (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Cambodia (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Cameroon (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Central African Republic (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Chad (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Colombia (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Côte d'Ivoire (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Comoros (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Democratic Republic of the Congo (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Costa Rica (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Dominica (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Dominican Republic (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for El Salvador (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Gambia (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Grenada (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Guatemala (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Guinea (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Guinea-Bissau (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Haiti (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Honduras (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Indonesia (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Lao PDR (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Lesotho (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Madagascar (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Malawi (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Mali (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Mauritius (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Mexico (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Mongolia (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Nepal (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Nigeria (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Pakistan (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Panama (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Papua New Guinea (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Paraguay (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Peru (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Rwanda (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Saint Lucia (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Samoa (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for São Tomé and Príncipe (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Senegal (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Sierra Leone (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Solomon Islands (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Swaziland (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Tanzania (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Thailand (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Togo (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Tonga (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Trinidad and Tobago (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Tunisia (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Uganda (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Vanuatu (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Yemen (graph)
Aid, Trade and Development Indicators for Zimbabwe (graph)