Decomposition of growth by expenditure in Africa, Asia and LAC, 1990-2016
Gini coefficients and difference in income share in Southern African countries
Trade composition in Central Africa, 2016
Average sector value added as a percentage of GDP in East Africa, 1991-2016
Total factor productivity growth by country in North Africa, 1990-2015
Real economic growth in Africa, Asia and LAC, 1990-2018
Trade composition in Africa, 2016
Capital growth in Africa, Asia and LAC, 1992-2016, and gross fixed capital formation in Africa, 2009-16
Distribution of Africa's trade, 2000-16
Sectors driving the annual growth in Africa: Resource-rich versus non-resource-rich countries, 1990-2016
Contribution of total factor productivity, labour, and capital to GDP growth in Africa, Asia and LAC, 1990-2016
Employment status for Africans, 1990-2022, and the 2023 targets of Agenda 2063
Waged employees as a percentage of the working-age population in Africa, Asia and LAC, 2000 and 2016
Poverty reduction in 42 African countries, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and Viet Nam
Gini coefficients of market and final income in selected countries
Decomposition of labour productivity growth in 31 developing countries in Africa, Asia and LAC, 1990-2010
Africa/Asia ratios of labour productivity in services, construction and manufacturing, 1990-2010
Export discoveries and long-term GDP growth
Export diversification, income inequality and job quality in African countries
Trade in intermediate and capital goods within and outside selected world regions, 2014
Africa's top 15 non-food imports, 2013-15
Level of complexity of imports into Africa, Asia and LAC, 1998-2016
Total factor productivity for manufacturing firms in African countries and other developing countries
Contribution of private gross fixed capital formation to GDP growth in Africa, Asia and LAC, 1990-2016
Distance of African firms to top 10% of total factor productivity for manufacturing in developing countries
Gross private savings and general government taxes, as share of GDP in Africa, Asia and LAC, 2009-16
Gross government debt versus public gross fixed capital formation in Africa, Brazil, China and India, 2009-16
Total financial inflows as a percentage of GDP in Africa, Asia and LAC, 2009-16
Median predicted labour cost per worker in selected African countries and Bangladesh
Africa's exports by commodities and level of technology (shares for regional destinations), 2014
Registered mobile money accounts in world regions, 2013-16
Projected workforce growth in sub-Saharan Africa, Northern Africa, China, India, Europe and the United States, 2015-50
Activity ratios in sub-Saharan Africa, Northern Africa, China and India, 1950-2100
Growth trends in Africa's urban, rural and total populations, 1950-2050
GDP and energy use per capita for selected African countries and China, 1990-2012
Growth dynamics in Southern Africa and Africa, 1990-2018
Trade composition in Southern Africa, 2016
Contribution to GDP growth by factors of production in Southern Africa, 2009-15
Growth decomposition by expenditure in Southern Africa, 2009-16
Annual economic growth and investment in Southern African countries, 1990-2016
Average sector value added as a percentage of GDP in Southern Africa
Unemployment trends in Southern African Customs Union countries, 1991-2016
Unemployment rate and status of employment for Southern African countries
Sectoral employment and working poverty rate in Southern African countries
Youth unemployment rates in Southern Africa, 1990-2016
Access to basic services in Southern Africa, 2010-16
GDP per capita growth versus Gini coefficient in Southern African countries, 1990-2016
Public spending on social safety net programmes in Southern African countries
Growth dynamics in Central Africa and Africa, 1990-2018
Sectoral contribution to GDP in Central Africa (percentage)
Evolution of prices of main primary products
Components of growth in Central Africa
The principal determinants of growth in Central Africa (averages from 1980 to 2014)
Violence by non-state actors in Africa
Average unemployment, 2000-15 (percentage)
Employment distribution by sector 2000-15 (percentage)
Interaction between growth and employment in Central Africa (impulse response to shocks), 1980-2014
Annual job creation by sector, 1999-2017
Evolution of gender inequality index in Central Africa (percentage)
Maternal mortality and teenage birth rates in Central Africa
Average school enrolment rates by gender (average 2000-15)
Female/male employment rates by sector (average over 2000-15 period, percentage)
Male/female income inequality (average over 2000-15 period)
Female representatives in Parliament (average 2000-15)
Economic growth and income inequality (2000-15)
Gender inequality in Africa
Average employment by gender, 2000-15 (percentage)
Internet penetration rates in Central Africa (percentage of the population), in 2016
Growth dynamics in East Africa and Africa, 1990-2018
Trade composition in East Africa, 2016
Decomposition of economic growth by factors of production in East Africa, 2009-15
Growth decomposition by expenditure in East Africa, 2009-16
Employment and unemployment rates in East African countries
Gini coefficients and difference in income share in East African countries
Composition of exports and imports in East Africa
Access to electricity in East African countries
Access to basic sanitation in East African countries
Access to drinking water in East African countries
Growth dynamics in North Africa and Africa, 1990-2018
Trade composition in North Africa, 2016
Growth decomposition by expenditure in North Africa, 2009-16
Sectoral contribution to GDP in North African countries, 1990-2015
Job creation in North African countries, 2000-15 (thousands)
Employment and unemployment rates in North African countries, 1991-2015
Employment structure in North African countries, 2000-15
Income distribution by quintile in North Africa
Growth dynamics in West Africa and Africa, 1990-2018
Trade composition in West Africa, 2016
Comparative real growth in ECOWAS economic areas
Growth composition in West Africa, 2009-16
Factoral contribution to growth, 1990-2015
Employment structure in ECOWAS (percentage of total, 2017)
ECOWAS labour market participation, percentage of active population (2015-17)
Access to drinking water in West Africa, 1990-2015 (% of the population)
Share of countries in West African GDP, 2000-18
Sectoral analysis of growth in ECOWAS, 1990-2015
Revenue distribution in West Africa