Distribution of adult population by level of literacy, IALS and PIAAC
Distribution of workers by level of literacy, IALS and PIAAC
Daily use of different written materials at work, IALS and PIAAC
Weekly use of different written materials at work, IALS and PIAAC
Daily and weekly use of any written materials at work, IALS and PIAAC
Proportion of workers at each proficiency level who use literacy skills daily, IALS and PIAAC
Proportion of workers at each proficiency level who use literacy skills weekly, IALS and PIAAC
Distribution of workers by daily literacy use and level of proficiency, IALS and PIAAC
Distribution of workers by weekly literacy use and level of proficiency, IALS and PIAAC
Expert ratings of computer capabilities to answer literacy questions, averaged with Maybe=50%, by level of PIAAC question difficulty