On 29 May 2013, the OECD Council decided to open discussions with Latvia on accession to the Organisation and, on 15 October 2013, an Accession Roadmap, setting out the terms, conditions and process for accession was adopted [C(2013)122/FINAL].In the Roadmap, the OECD Council requested a number of OECD Committees to provide it with a formal opinion. The Economic and Development Review Committee was requested to provide a formal opinion evaluating Latvia’s policies and practices as compared to OECD best policies and practices. In light of the formal opinions received from OECD Committees and other relevant information, the OECD Council will decide whether to invite Latvia to become a member of the Organisation.The present Economic Survey was prepared for the purposes of the accession review of Latvia. The draft report was discussed by the Economic and Development Review Committee on 18 December 2014, revised in the light of the discussions and finalised on 22 January 2015. The draft report was prepared for the Committee by Caroline Klein and Zuzana Smidova under the supervision of Andreas Wörgötter. It also benefitted from consultancy work by Robert Price. Research assistance was provided by Corinne Chanteloup. Heloise Wickramanayake formatted and produced the layout of the document.This is the first OECD Economic Survey of Latvia. It is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD.