Table of Contents

  • This third OECD Environmental Performance Review of Austria assesses progress achieved since the last review, which was carried out in 2003, as well as remaining challenges. It shows that Austria’s experience provides many valuable lessons for countries promoting green growth and sustainable development.

  • The principal aim of the OECD Environmental Performance Review programme is to help member and selected partner countries improve their individual and collective performance in environmental management by:

  • The following signs are used in figures and tables:

  • Austria’s water quality is among the world’s best, thanks to the very large share of population connected to high-standard wastewater treatment plants. About 28% of the land area is under some form of nature protection. Nearly a fifth of the agricultural area is under organic farming, the highest share in the EU. This, together with uptake of environment-friendly agricultural practices, has helped reduce the impact of agriculture on the environment, including intensity of fertiliser use and nutrient surplus. Material and resource productivity of the economy has improved. An effective waste management policy has contributed to this result through high and growing rates of material recycling and waste recovery. The carbon intensity of the Austrian economy remains low by international standards, owing to the large use of renewable energy sources and the relatively low energy intensity.