Primary agriculture in the economy and the environment, OECD countries, 2008-10
The role of primary agriculture in the economy and the environment, OECD countries, 2008-10
Transgenic crops, OECD and other major producing countries, 1996-2011
Bioethanol production, OECD countries, 1990-2011
Biodiesel production, OECD countries, 1990-2011
Total emissions of acidifying pollutants, OECD countries, 1990-2010
Ammonia emission 2010 ceilings under the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, OECD countries, 1990-2010
Gross greenhouse gas emissions, OECD countries, 1990-2010
Methyl bromide use, world and OECD countries, 1991-2010