OECD has identified extended producer responsibility (EPR) as an important policy approach for environmental protection, and in particular, the prevention and better management of waste. Work on EPR started in 1994 and an important landmark was the publication of the EPR Guidance Manual for Governments in 2001. While the Guidance Manual provides ...
Extended producer responsibility (EPR) embodies the notion that producers should be made physically or financially responsible for the environmental impacts their products have at the end of product life. There are several policy instruments that are consistent with EPR – product take-back mandates, advance disposal fees, deposit-refunds, recycled content standards, and more. The EPR concept itself, however, provides little guidance about which of these instruments might be appropriate under particular conditions and for particular products. Moreover, while the EPR goal is usually focused on ...
Economic and Environmental Performance of Alberta’s Used Oil Programme; Effects of the Introduction of an EPR Management System on the Economy; Revised Stance on Producer Responsibility in Waste Policy in the Netherlands; Evaluation of EPR Programmes in Japan; Discussant Commentary on Ex Post Evaluation of EPR Programmes ...
Extended producer responsibility (EPR) is defined by the OECD as an environmental policy approach in which a producer’s responsibility for a product is extended to the post-consumer stage of a product’s life cycle. Innovation is defined as the first use of a new product, process or system in a commercial context. Innovation occurs overwhelmingly in private firms in reaction to external signals. It is distinguished from science, which is the search for knowledge, and invention, which is a new technical idea. This paper develops an analytical framework for ...
In light of the growing use of extended producer responsibility (EPR) as a principle that underpins environmental policy instruments among OECD member states since the early 1990’s, this paper attempts to draw some lessons from the implementation of EPR programmes to date. The paper evaluates the results of different types of EPR programmes, analyses the institutional and structural factors that influence the results and the measures to overcome barriers, and suggests what types of products are most suitable for certain types of EPR programmes. The focus of the evaluation is on ...
In waste administration of today, the responsibility of producers to carry out recycling and appropriate waste disposal is expanding, at least in developed countries. By the Product Liability Law, rules have been already established as an institution to define the circumstances and the kind of responsibilities that producers should take for damages occurred during the consumption process of their products. In the discipline of waste management policy, it has been proposed as an idea to hold producers responsible for implementing recycling and appropriate disposal of the discard products, even when consumers found no defects in the products during the consumption process. Many countries have ...