Table of Contents

  • Science and technology, and science and technology education, play an important role in the development of a country's economy, environment, social relations and other sectors. African countries recognise this role and many have committed considerable resources to the development of science and technology and to their educational systems. In the early 1960s, immediately after independence, most African countries promoted capacity building in science and technology by sending scholars for training in universities in industrialised countries, while offering science and technology as subjects in their primary and secondary schools.

  • Popularisation of Science and Technology Education: Some Case Studies from Africa completes a series of publications sponsored by the Commonwealth Secretariat. The publication was developed jointly with the African Forum for Children's Literacy in Science and Technology, a pan-African organisation that, since 1989, has done much to promote a public understanding of science and technology throughout sub-Saharan Africa.

  • A large number of Commonwealth countries are making efforts to popularise science and technology to achieve scientific and technological literacy amongst the public at large. A number of strategies are being employed to reach different target groups. In order to assist member countries in their efforts, the Commonwealth Secretariat has started a project on popularisation of the culture of science and technology.