The 2019 edition of the Tax Administration Series provides wide-ranging comparative information on the performance of advanced and emerging tax administrations and seeks to draw out the main underlying trends and challenges facing global tax administration. The purpose and value of the Tax Administration Series, first published in 2004, is to assist administrations, governments, taxpayers and other stakeholders in considering how and where improvements can be made in the efficiency and effectiveness of tax administration, in particular through enhancing tax compliance, reducing burdens and improving tax certainty.
Tax Administration 2019 is the eighth edition of the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration’s comparative information series first published in 2004. The primary purpose of the Tax Administration Series (TAS) is to share information that will facilitate dialogue on the design and administration of tax systems.
Together the 58 tax administrations participating in the eighth edition of the OECD?s Tax Administration Series (TAS 2019) collect net revenues of EUR 11.4 trillion (2017). They are large and complex organisations employing around 1.6 million staff. They deal with the tax affairs of around 810 million personal income tax and corporate taxpayers who contact tax administration in excess of 500 million times via telephone, in-person, e-mail or paper and generate more than 1.6 billion online contacts. And the tax administrations do this on a combined operating budget amounting to around EUR 71 billion, equivalent to less than 1% of total revenues collected.
The Tax Administration Series (TAS) 2019 is the eighth edition of the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration’s comparative information series. The primary purpose of the series, which commenced in 2004, is to share information that will facilitate dialogue among tax officials on important tax administration issues, and that may also help to identify opportunities to improve the design and administration of their systems.