Current account balance, billions of US dollars
Current account balance as a percentage of GDP
Services balance, billions of US dollars
Goods balance, billions of US dollars
Exports of services, as a percentage of current account exports
Exports of services, as a percentage of total goods and services exports
Imports of services, as a percentage of current account imports
Imports of services, as a percentage of total goods and services imports
Exports of services, billions of US dollars
Imports of services, billions of US dollars
Exports of goods, billions of US dollars
Imports of goods, billions of US dollars
Imports by partner country: Australia
Exports by partner country: Australia
Imports by partner country: Belgium
Exports by partner country: Belgium
Imports by partner country: Canada
Exports by partner country: Canada
Imports by partner country: Chile
Exports by partner country: Chile
Imports by partner country: Colombia
Exports by partner country: Colombia
Imports by partner country: Costa Rica
Exports by partner country: Costa Rica
Imports by partner country: Czech Republic
Exports by partner country: Czech Republic
Imports by partner country: Denmark
Exports by partner country: Denmark
Imports by partner country: Estonia
Exports by partner country: Estonia
Imports by partner country: Finland
Exports by partner country: Finland
Imports by partner country: France
Exports by partner country: France
Imports by partner country: Germany
Exports by partner country: Germany
Imports by partner country: Greece
Exports by partner country: Greece
Imports by partner country: Hungary
Exports by partner country: Hungary
Imports by partner country: Iceland
Exports by partner country: Iceland
Imports by partner country: Ireland
Exports by partner country: Ireland
Imports by partner country: Israel
Exports by partner country: Israel
Imports by partner country: Italy
Exports by partner country: Italy
Imports by partner country: Japan
Exports by partner country: Japan
Imports by partner country: Korea
Exports by partner country: Korea
Imports by partner country: Latvia
Exports by partner country: Latvia
Imports by partner country: Lithuania
Exports by partner country: Lithuania
Imports by partner country: Luxembourg
Exports by partner country: Luxembourg
Imports by partner country: Mexico
Exports by partner country: Mexico
Imports by partner country: Netherlands
Exports by partner country: Netherlands
Imports by partner country: New Zealand
Exports by partner country: New Zealand
Imports by partner country: Norway
Exports by partner country: Norway
Imports by partner country: Poland
Exports by partner country: Poland
Imports by partner country: Portugal
Exports by partner country: Portugal
Imports by partner country: Slovak Republic
Exports by partner country: Slovak Republic
Imports by partner country: Slovenia
Exports by partner country: Slovenia
Imports by partner country: Spain
Exports by partner country: Spain
Imports by partner country: Sweden
Exports by partner country: Sweden
Imports by partner country: Switzerland
Exports by partner country: Switzerland
Imports by partner country: Türkiye
Exports by partner country: Türkiye
Imports by partner country: United Kingdom
Exports by partner country: United Kingdom
Imports by partner country: United States
Exports by partner country: United States
Imports by partner country: European Union
Exports by partner country: European Union