School closures due to COVID-19 (2020, 2021 and the first quarter of 2022)
Share of countries adopting COVID-19 support measures with a direct impact on public budgets (2020/21 or 2021)
Share of countries undertaking studies to evaluate the effects of the pandemic (2021 and 2022)
Share of countries planning to maintain or develop digitalisation measures implemented due to COVID-19
Number of countries implementing recovery policies for students due to COVID-19 (2021/22 or 2022)
Number of countries implementing recovery policies for teachers due to COVID-19 (2021/22 or 2022)
Trends in the share of tertiary-educated 25-34 year-olds (2000 and 2021)
Field of study among tertiary-educated 25-64 year-olds (2021): Tertiary-educated adults who studied a given field as a percentage of all tertiary-educated adults
Share of women among adults with a bachelor's, master's, doctoral or equivalent degree, by age group (2021)
Percentage of 25-64 year-olds with tertiary attainment, by subnational region (2021)