School closures due to COVID-19 (2020, 2021 and the first quarter of 2022)
Share of countries adopting COVID-19 support measures with a direct impact on public budgets (2020/21 or 2021)
Share of countries undertaking studies to evaluate the effects of the pandemic (2021 and 2022)
Share of countries planning to maintain or develop digitalisation measures implemented due to COVID-19
Number of countries implementing recovery policies for students due to COVID-19 (2021/22 or 2022)
Number of countries implementing recovery policies for teachers due to COVID-19 (2021/22 or 2022)
Trends in the share of tertiary-educated 25-34 year-olds (2000 and 2021)
Field of study among tertiary-educated 25-64 year-olds (2021): Tertiary-educated adults who studied a given field as a percentage of all tertiary-educated adults
Share of women among adults with a bachelor's, master's, doctoral or equivalent degree, by age group (2021)
Percentage of 25-64 year-olds with tertiary attainment, by subnational region (2021)
Distribution of 18-24 year-olds by education and work status (2021, quarterly data)
Trends in the share of NEETs among 25-29 year-olds, by labour-market status (2006 to 2021, quarterly data)
Percentage of 18-24 year-olds who are unemployed and not in education, by duration of unemployment (2021, quarterly data)
Share of NEETs among 25-29 year-olds, by educational attainment (2021, quarterly data)
Trends in the percentage of NEETs among 18-24 year-olds (2019 and 2021, annual data)
Employment rates of tertiary-educated adults, by field of study (2021)
Employment rate of 25-34 year-olds, by level of tertiary attainment (2021)
Trends in unemployment rates, by educational attainment (2000 to 2021)
Cross-country differences in overqualification levels among tertiary-educated workers (2012 or 2015)
Long-term unemployment (12 months or more) among 25-64 year-olds, by educational attainment (2021)
Trends in inactivity rates of tertiary-educated 25-34 year-olds (2019 and 2021)
Relative earnings of 25-64 year-old adults, by educational attainment (2020)
Relative earnings of tertiary-educated adults, by level of tertiary attainment (2020)
Relative earnings of adults with at least a bachelor’s or equivalent degree, by age group (2020)
Relative earnings of tertiary-educated adults aged 25-64, by field of study (2020)
Relative earnings of tertiary-educated workers and share of adults without university-level education supporting more redistribution to reduce income inequality (2020)
Percentage of tertiary-educated adults earning more than twice the median, by level of educational attainment (2020)
Share of 25-54 year-olds using the Internet at least once a week, by educational attainment (2021)
Share of tertiary-educated 55-74 year-olds making telephone or video calls over the Internet (2019 and 2021)
Share of tertiary-educated 55-74 year-olds seeking health-related information over the Internet (2019 and 2021)
Share of tertiary-educated adults who reported usually or sometimes working from home (2019 and 2021)
Students’ interest in learning about other cultures, by mother’s educational attainment (2018)
Students’ global mindedness, by mother’s educational attainment (2018)
Trends in participation in formal and/or non-formal education and training, by quarter (2019, 2020 and 2021)
Determinants of participation in adult education and training by job-related characteristics, personal characteristics and education (2016)
Trends in participation in non-formal education and training (2019, 2020 and 2021)
Proportion of youth and adults with information and communication technologies (ICT) skills, by skill level
Participation in non-formal education and training, by educational attainment (2021)
Countries and subnational jurisdictions providing grant support to students, by programme type and study intensity (2020)
Enrolment rates in formal tertiary education, by age group (2020)
Distribution of tertiary students enrolled by education level (2020)
SDG Indicator 4.3.2: Gross enrolment ratio for tertiary education (2020)
Share of tertiary students studying part-time (2013, 2020)
Share of tertiary students in private institutions (2013, 2020)
Enrolment rates of young children by type of programme and by age group (2020)
Participation rate in organised learning one year before the official primary entry age against benchmark values (2020)
Age profile of teachers at pre-primary level (2020)
Distribution of initial sources of public funds for pre-primary education, by level of government (2019)
Average age of first-time upper secondary graduates, by programme orientation (2020)
Share of women among upper secondary graduates, by programme orientation (2020)
Distribution of vocational upper secondary graduates, by level of completion (2020)
Completion rates of full-time students who entered a bachelor's or equivalent level, by students' upper secondary programme orientation and timeframe (2020)
Share of women among new entrants to tertiary education, by level of education and selected fields of study (2020)
Average age dispersion of new entrants, by level of education (2020)
Share of entrants to bachelor's programmes who entered tertiary education directly from upper secondary education, by upper secondary programme orientation (2020)
Share of tertiary new entrants in the field of health and welfare (2015 and 2020)
Status of full-time bachelor's students by the theoretical duration plus three years in selected fields of study at entry (2020)
Distribution of new entrants to doctoral programmes, by field of study (2020)
Completion rate of full-time students who entered a bachelor's or equivalent level, by gender and timeframe (2020)
Status of full-time bachelor’s students, by timeframe (2020)
Completion rates of full-time bachelor’s students, by type of institution entered and timeframe (2020)
Completion rates of full-time science, technology, engineering and mathematics bachelor’s students, by field and level of graduation and gender (2020)
Share of full-time bachelor’s students who spent at least one year out of education and graduated or re-enrolled by theoretical duration plus three years, by gender (2020)
Share of international or foreign students at tertiary level, by gender (2020)
Incoming student mobility in tertiary education, by level of study (2020)
Share of tertiary students in STEM fields, by mobility status (2020)
Total expenditure per full-time equivalent student by level of education (2019)
Total expenditure per full-time equivalent student, by level of tertiary education (2019)
Total expenditure per full-time equivalent student on tertiary educational institutions for R&D and core educational services (2019)
Total expenditure on tertiary educational institutions per full-time equivalent student, by programme orientation (2019)
Average annual growth in total expenditure on primary to tertiary educational institutions per full-time equivalent student (2012 to 2019)
Provisional data on the change in total expenditure on educational institutions per full-time equivalent student between 2019 and 2020
Total expenditure on educational institutions as a share of GDP (2019)
Total expenditure on educational institutions by level of education (2019)
Average annual change in total expenditure on primary to tertiary educational institutions and in GDP (2008 to 2020)
Total expenditure on primary to tertiary educational institutions per student relative to GDP per capita (2019)
Distribution of public and private expenditure on tertiary educational institutions (2019)
Proportion of expenditure on tertiary educational institutions from private sources, by source of funding (2019)
Distribution of public and private expenditure on primary to post-secondary non-tertiary educational institutions (2019)
Change in the relative share of private expenditure on tertiary educational institutions (2011 to 2019)
Provisional data on the change in public-to-private transfers and private expenditure on educational institutions between 2019 and 2020
Composition of total public expenditure on education as a percentage of total government expenditure (2019)
Distribution of initial sources of public funds for tertiary education, by level of government (2019)
Change in total public expenditure on education and total government expenditure between 2015 and 2019
Change in total public expenditure and public expenditure on education between 2019 and 2020
Annual average tuition fees charged by public institutions to national students, by level of education (academic year 2019/20)
Annual average tuition fees charged by public institutions to national and foreign students for master's or equivalent programmes (2019/20)
Tuition fees charged by tertiary institutions to national students enrolled full-time in master's or equivalent programmes, by fields of study (2019/20)
Share of national tertiary education students enrolled full-time and receiving public financial support (2009/10 and 2019/20)
Authority to set tuition fees for national students, by level of tertiary education (2020)
Distribution of expenditure between capital and current expenditure (2019)
Share of current expenditure devoted to teachers, by level of education and type of institution (2019)
Distribution of expenditure on salaries, pensions and other non-salary staff compensation (2019)
Share of current expenditure devoted to staff retirement pensions (2012, 2015 and 2019)
Actual salaries of lower secondary teachers and school heads relative to earnings for tertiary-educated workers (2021)
Lower secondary teachers’ average actual salaries compared to the statutory starting and top of the scale salaries (2021)
Lower secondary teachers' relative statutory starting and top of the scale salaries and years taken to reach the top of the scale (2021)
Lower secondary school heads' average actual salaries compared to the statutory minimum and maximum salaries (2021)
Change in lower secondary teachers’ statutory salaries between 2010 and 2021
Lower secondary teachers’ starting salaries relative to earnings of tertiary graduates by years since graduation (2018)
Teaching time of teachers, by level of education (2021)
Working time of teachers and school heads in general upper secondary education (2021)
Number of hours of teaching and percentage of working time spent teaching for upper secondary teachers (2021)
Task requirements of teachers and financial incentives, by tasks and responsibilities (2021)
Pathways to becoming a teacher or school head, by level of education (2021)
Duration of initial teacher education, by level of education (2021)
Required content in initial teacher education (2021)
Mainstreaming of global citizenship education and education for sustainable development in policies, curricula, teacher education and assessment (2020)
Role of relevant bodies in deciding content of initial teacher education (2021)
Requirements for continuing professional development for teachers and school heads (2021)
Mandated contents of teachers’ and school heads’ compulsory continuing professional development (2021)
Decision making about individual teachers' continuing professional development (CPD) activities (2021)
Funding and support strategies for teachers’ continuing professional development (CPD) activities (2021)
Age profile of academic staff (2020)
Distribution of academic staff by primary function (2020)
Distribution of instructional and research academic staff by seniority level (2020)
Share of women among academic staff (2005, 2015, 2020)
Ratio of students to academic staff, by type of institution (2020)