Market conditions for key commodities
Annual growth in demand for key commodity groups
Food as a share of household expenditures, by income group
Global use of major commodities
Uses of agricultural commodities: share of calories, by income group
Per capita consumption of main food groups (calorie equivalent), by income group
Per capita consumption of main food groups (protein equivalent), by income group
Feed to production ratio
Global feed energy and protein use
Structure of feed use, by income group
Share of biofuel in total use
Other use in absolute value and as share of total consumption
Regional trends in agriculture and fish production
Global growth in crop production
Projected crop yields for selected countries and regions in 2029
Global livestock production
Growth in global livestock production
Changes in inventories of dairy herds and yields, 2020 to 2029
Direct GHG emission from crop and livestock production, by activity
Annual change in agricultural production and direct GHG emissions, 2020 to 2029
Change in agricultural land use, 2017-19 to 2029
Growth in trade volumes, by commodity
Value of agriculture and fish exports relative to production by region
Share of production traded, by commodity
Agricultural trade balances by region, in constant value
Imports as a share of total calorie availability for selected regions
Exporting countries with greater than 25% dependency on foreign markets
Long-term evolution of commodity prices, in real terms
Projected evolution of FAO FOOD Price Index
Average annual real price change for agricultural commodities, 2020-29
COVID-19 scenario macro assumption
First years' evolution of nominal prices for selected commodities
Food consumption in 2020/21 (COVID-19 scenario vs. baseline)
World population growth
Per capita income
Annual GDP growth rates 2020-2029
Slowing growth of agriculture and fish output in Asia Pacific region
Agricultural trade balances in Asia Pacific
Per capita value of net agriculture and fish production in Sub Saharan Africa
High price spreads for maize across the region indicate low market integration
Agricultural trade balances in Sub Saharan Africa
Value of net food imports per capita in Near East and North Africa
Self-sufficiency rates for selected commodities in Near East and North Africa
Agricultural trade balances in Near East and North Africa
Net exports of agriculture and fish products from Europe and Central Asia
Agricultural trade balances by region
Calories used in food, feed, biofuel and other use in North America
Trends in export market shares of selected commodities of North America
Agricultural trade balances in North America
Trends in export shares of the Latin America and the Caribbean
Agricultural trade balances in Latin America and the Caribbean
World cereal prices
Global players in cereal markets in 2029
Regional contribution of growth in cereal production, 2017-19 to 2029
Cereal use in developed and developing countries
World cereal stocks and stocks-to-use ratios
Global cereal trade volumes by commodity
Exports of oilseeds and oilseed products by region
Evolution of world oilseed prices
Oilseed production by region
Protein meal and vegetable oil production by type
Per capita food availability of vegetable oil in selected countries
Share of vegetable oil used for biodiesel production
Average annual growth in protein meal consumption and animal production (2020-29)
Share of exports in total production of oilseeds and oilseed products for the top three exporting countries
Global caloric sweeteners: Production and per capita consumption in 2017-19 and in 2029
Evolution of world sugar prices
World sugar crops production
Sugar production by crop
Per capita sugar demand in major countries and regions
Share of per capita HFCS in sweetener consumption for major consuming countries
Sugar exports for major countries and regions
Sugar imports for major countries and regions
World meat prices
Feed cost index and meat to feed nominal price ratios
Growth of meat production by region and meat type
Pigmeat production
Top 5 countries increase/decrease in per capita consumption by different meat types
Income impact on per capita meat consumption per region
Per capita consumption of processed and fresh dairy products in milk solids
Dairy product prices
Annual changes in inventories of dairy herd and yields between 2019 and 2029
Milk production and yield in selected countries and regions
Exports of dairy products by region
Imports of dairy products by region
World aquaculture and capture fisheries
World fish prices
Growth in world capture fisheries production by continent
Share of total fishmeal production produced from fish residue
Share of aquaculture and capture in total fish available for human consumption, 2017-19 vs 2029
Per capita fish consumption – 2017-19 vs 2029
Exports of fish for human consumption by major exporters in 2017-19 and 2029
Imports of fish for human consumption by major importers in 2017-19 and 2029
Developments in biofuel demand in major regions
The evolution of biofuel prices and biofuel feedstock prices
World biofuel production from traditional and advanced feedstocks
Development of the world ethanol market
Development of the world biodiesel market
Biofuel trade dominated by a few global players
Global players in cotton markets (2029)
World cotton prices
World cotton production, consumption, and stocks
Cotton yields and area harvested in major producing countries
Historical trends in consumption of textile fibres
Cotton mill consumption by region
Cotton exports in Sub-Saharan Africa
Global players in roots and tubers markets (2029)
Per capita food consumption of pulses per continent
World banana outlook
World consumption of major tropical fruits