Real house price index, average 14 countries, 1921-2021
Real house price growth and real house price gap, 37 OECD countries
Percentage changes in real house prices and rents, 2000-2020
Changes in middle-income households’ spending shares, 2005-15 average
Housing supply elasticities across metropolitan regions in a sample of OECD countries, 2019
Household and mortgage debt to GDP across OECD countries in 2008 and 2018
Annual percentage change in house prices and GDP, 1971-2019
Number of years over which cumulated average household disposable income equals the average price of a 100m2 dwelling, 2000 and 2020
Global share of buildings and construction final energy and emissions, 2019
Fixed-rate mortgages and moderate debt service ratios limit risks in housing markets