  • 23 Nov 1999
  • Jeni Klugman, Bilin Neyapti, Frances Stewart
  • Pages: 132

Les conflits : tel est le sujet de ce livre. Rien là de bien original si ce n'est qu'il analyse la situation de trois pays d'Afrique de l'Est d'un point de vue économique. Sans faire abstraction des facteurs sociaux, ethniques et historiques qui sont à l'origine des conflits, les auteurs s'intéressent aux problèmes économiques bien réels qui exacerbent les frictions sous-jacentes. Les disparités entre zones urbaines et rurales, par exemple, sont sensibles dans les niveaux de revenu, mais aussi dans des domaines tels que la santé, l'éducation ou l'emploi ; autre réalité : le clientélisme, celui-ci favorise une petite élite de fonctionnaires au détriment du reste de la population. Les auteurs identifient ainsi les facteurs économiques qui jouent un rôle aggravant dans les situations de conflit, en évaluent le coût économique, et proposent des réorientations politiques susceptibles d'atténuer les risques de conflit.
Cet ouvrage s'intègre dans une série composée de trois volumes ; il porte essentiellement sur le Kenya, l'Ouganda et la Tanzanie.
Pour en savoir plus Conflits et croissance en Afrique -- Vol. 1 : Le Sahel Conflits et croissance en Afrique -- Vol. 3 : L'Afrique australe

  • 23 Nov 1999
  • Jeni Klugman, Bilin Neyapti, Frances Stewart
  • Pages: 116

This is a book about conflict. In that, it is certainly not alone, but it approaches the problem in three East African countries from the standpoint of economic analysis. The authors have not ignored social, ethnic and historical factors which led to conflict, but have identified economic realities which exacerbate the frictions created by the other factors. These realities include disparities in rural-urban income levels and in health, education and employment, and a system of clientilism which benefits a small group of civil servants to the detriment of the rest of the population. Having identified aggravating economic factors in conflict, the authors proceed to an appreciation of its economic cost, then propose economic policy changes which would tend towards reducing the potential for conflict.

One of a series of three volumes, this book concentrates on Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.


Cet ouvrage vient à point nommé compte tenu de quatre des objectifs de développement préconisés par le Comité d’aide au développement (CAD) de l’OCDE -- à savoir réduire l’extrême pauvreté, universaliser l’enseignement primaire, faire baisser les taux de mortalité infantile et maternelle, et améliorer la situation sanitaire. Ses auteurs montrent que, dans les pays très pauvres, des mesures visant à assurer l’accès de tous aux services d’éducation et de santé sont bien plus profitables aux pauvres que des programmes ciblés plus coûteux. Ils soulignent que la cohérence et la coordination sont des nécessités absolues, afin d’éviter de construire des écoles qui resteront sans professeurs et des dispensaires qui ne pourront être approvisionnés en médicaments. Il faut en outre veiller au réalisme des politiques macro-économiques nationales afin que les secteurs de la santé et de l’éducation ne soient pas privés de ressources. Enfin, les auteurs notent que la qualité de la gestion publique se répercute directement sur l’efficience des dépenses sociales.

Cet ouvrage est une référence essentielle pour tous ceux qui sont appelés à intervenir dans la mise en oeuvre de politiques favorables aux pauvres dans les pays en développement et pour les donneurs désireux d'orienter au mieux l'aide au développement international.


This book demonstrates that in the case of very poor countries, policies aimed at universal provision of education and health services benefit the poor significantly more than more expensive targeted schemes. The book draws attention to the absolute need for coherence and co-ordination so that schools are not built without teachers and dispensaries without drugs. Moreover, national macroeconomic policies have to be realistic if the health and education sectors are not to be deprived of resources. Finally, the quality of governance is shown to have a direct effect on the efficiency of social spending.


This paper presents a comparative analysis of the public procurement system in three East African countries: Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. In response to both domestic and international pressures, these countries have recently undertaken important initiatives to make their public procurement systems more efficient and transparent in line with international procurement guidelines. The experience of the three countries with the reforms has been quite varied. While Tanzania has moved fast with the reforms and has already put in place a legislative framework for public procurement, Kenya and Uganda have yet to enact procurement legislation. In Kenya, a number of significant changes have already been effected through a ministerial gazette notice pending the coming into force of a Procurement Act. There is also an urgent need for strengthening institutions involved in public procurement, as these institutions tend to lack technical and human resource capabilities.

Although the current East ...

The Tanzanian economy is showing strong growth as a result of continuing improvement in agricultural production and strengthening macroeconomic fundamentals. In 2001, real GDP growth continued the recent upward trend reaching 5.6 per cent from a yearly average of 4.5 per cent since 1995. The outlook on growth is stabilisation, with real GDP growth estimated at 5.7 per cent in 2002, and projected to moderate to 5.9 per cent in 2003. The improving growth performance since 1995 has been accompanied by fiscal orientation that has enabled increased budgetary allocation towards priority sectors for poverty alleviation, in accordance with Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP) targets. Prudence in monetary management has brought monetary expansion under control and has contributed to a downward trend in inflation, which is expected to be maintained in 2002 and 2003. The external position of Tanzania was precarious in 2001 as a result of poor export performance, which emanated from low commodity prices. The difficult external situation is expected to continue in 2002 and 2003…


Le Sénégal présente depuis la dévaluation de 1994 un dynamisme économique important avec des taux de croissance annuels du PIB en volume supérieurs à 5 pour cent. Dans ce contexte de croissance soutenue, les années 2000 à 2002 constituent une période de transition pour le pays, l’alternance démocratique renforçant la confiance dans l’avenir, même si le changement de l’équipe au pouvoir entraîne un certain attentisme des opérateurs et retarde la mise en œuvre des programmes sectoriels. Parallèlement, le pays peine à finaliser certaines réformes structurelles qu’il s’est assignées au sein de son programme avec le FMI, telles la privatisation de la compagnie d’électricité (Sénélec) et celle de l’entreprise en charge de la commercialisation de l’arachide (Sonacos). Ces deux entreprises ont accumulé de gros déficits que l’État a dû combler en 2001, entraînant des difficultés budgétaires importantes. Les relations avec les institutions de Bretton Woods connaissent donc quelques tensions, tandis que sur le plan interne les autorités doivent gérer la fin de l’état de grâce suscité par l’alternance politique...


This Joint Assessment compares the strengths of four donors in Tanzania, namely Denmark, Finland, Ireland and Japan, as well as the challenges facing them, and makes observations on their aid programmes. The aim of the Joint Assessment of these four donors (2-13 March 2003) was to understand the way in which the implementation of donors’ partnership strategies contributes to country ownership. The paper looks at the challenges for donors posed by the Tanzanian aid co-ordination mechanisms, which strongly promote Tanzanian ownership of the development programme. It concludes with a series of lessons for DAC donors...


La présente analyse conjointe compare les points forts et les faiblesses de quatre donneurs présents en Tanzanie, à savoir le Danemark, la Finlande, l’Irlande et le Japon, et formule des observations sur leurs programmes. Le but de l’analyse conjointe des programmes d’aide de ces quatre donneurs (2-13 mars 2003) était de comprendre comment la mise en œuvre des stratégies de partenariat des donneurs concourt à l’appropriation à l’échelon local. Après un examen des défis posés aux donneurs par les mécanismes tanzaniens de coordination de l’aide, qui favorisent beaucoup l’appropriation par la Tanzanie du programme de développement, une série d’enseignements à tirer sont présentés à l’intention des donneurs du CAD...


This paper studies the development of indigenous insurance institutions set up to help cover the high costs of funerals, using evidence from rural areas in Tanzania and Ethiopia. Many of these institutions tend to co-exist within the same community and are based on well-defined rules and regulations, often offering premium-based insurance for funeral expenses, as well as, in many cases, other forms of insurance and credit to help address hardship. The paper argues that the characteristics and inclusiveness of these institutions make them well placed as models to broaden insurance provision and other development activities in these communities. In Ethiopia, there is some encouraging experience with using these institutions, as reviewed in this paper. However, the paper argues that their fragility as institutions is well illustrated by current pressures related to HIV/AIDS, as well as by their apparent resistance to engage more broadly with NGOs and government agencies. As a ...

SINCE 1995, TANZANIA has successfully pursued economic reforms, resulting in accelerating economic growth and decelerating inflation. Strong growth and fiscal restraint in spite of a serious drought in 2003, demonstrates an impressive resilience. GDP growth has been 5.6 per cent in 2003 and is estimated at 6.4 per cent in 20041. Yet, the share of manufacturing in GDP has only slightly increased from an average of 8.3 per cent during 1997-99 to an average of 8.4 per cent during 2001-032. Growth in manufacturing is expected to take off soon due to various recent policy measures. Significant...

AU COURS DES DIX DERNIÈRES ANNÉES, la Tanzanie a réalisé des progrès considérables dans la gestion de son économie avec, à la clé, une croissance impressionnante du PIB, qui a atteint 6.7 pour cent en 2004. Cet essor a été soutenu par l’augmentation de la production agricole, à la faveur d’une météorologie propice. Le taux d’inflation était toujours inférieur à 4.5 pour cent fin juin 2005, le repli des prix de l’alimentation compensant le renchérissement du carburant. Cependant, en raison de précipitations insuffisantes à l’automne 2005, les prix des produits alimentaires devraient remonter. Les performances du...


Tanzania has made remarkable improvements in economic management over the last decade which have been rewarded with impressive GDP growth, which reached 6.7 per cent in 2004. Tanzania’s impressive growth in 2004 was supported by rising agricultural production associated with good weather conditions. The inflation rate remained below 4.5 per cent at end- June 2005 as lower food prices compensated for higher fuel costs. However, due to insufficient rains in autumn...


TANZANIA HAS MANAGED TO NOT ONLY overcome the aftermath of adverse weather shocks in 2005 and 2006 and an outbreak of Rift Valley Fever during 2007, but also shows signs of a recovering economy. Favourable weather conditions enabled a good harvest in 2007 and provided adequate water levels for the operations of hydropower dams that are themain source of electric power generation. The economy is projected to grow by 6.6 per cent in 2007 compared to 6.7 per cent in 2006.The outlook is encouraging for subsequent years aswell,withGDP growth expected tomaintain the same momentum, at 6.5 per cent in 2008 and 6.7 per cent in 2009. However, the recent increase in fuel prices, the newly announced wage regulations for the private sector and the political turmoil in Kenya may dampen this outlook.

Tanzania: GDP by Sector in 2007 (percentage) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Tanzania: Stock of Total External Debt (percentage of GDP) and Debt Service (percentage of exports of goods and services) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Tanzania: Public Finances (percentage of GDP at current prices) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Tanzania: Current Account (percentage of GDP at current prices) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

Tanzania : Real GDP Growth and Per Capita GDP (USD/PPP at current prices) appears in African Economic Outlook 2009.

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