The OECD Handbook for Fisheries Managers
Principles and Practice for Policy Design
The Fisheries Manager's Handbook is a compilation of OECD work designed to aid policy makers develop and implement good policies and management tools in fisheries. Drawing upon years of OECD research, it demonstrates how an open policy design process with clear objectives, using market-based instruments and focussed on effective stock management can benefit all those involved in or concerned about the fisheries sector. Of interest not only to policy makers, it will provides a useful guide to NGOs and other interested parties on the principles and processes of good policy design.
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Policy coherence for development
With so many government objectives depending at least in part on the performance of the fisheries sector, the degree to which different objectives and policies are compatible will determine success in achieving sustainable development goals worldwide, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the vision of the OECD Development Strategy. For OECD countries, the challenge is to align development assistance objectives with fisheries policies such as trade, access agreements, capacity building provisions, joint management of fish resources (e.g. straddling or high seas stocks and RFMOs) and development assistance directed at aquaculture and fisheries.
Also available in: French
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