OECD Review of Fisheries: Policies and Summary Statistics 2015

image of OECD Review of Fisheries: Policies and Summary Statistics 2015

The OECD Review of Fisheries provides information on developments in policies and activities in the fishing and aquaculture sectors of OECD countries and participating economies, mainly for the period 2012-13. This year’s edition includes Argentina, the People's Republic of China, Chinese Taipei, Indonesia and Latvia.

Part I overviews the activities in the sector and includes a chapter containing two-page snapshots outlining country summary statistics and key developments in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors. Additional country-level data and detail on institutional and policy backgrounds, based on contributions by participating countries and economies, are provided in the electronic version of this report.

English Also available in: French


In 2013 exports of fish products reached an all-time high, recovering strongly from the decline observed in 2012. As usual, the performance of the shrimp and squid fisheries strongly determines the overall value of exports. Low export prices (except for shrimp) and high costs have put pressure on the fishing sector. The global financial crisis is still affecting traditional export markets and new markets are demanding products at lower prices.

English Also available in: French

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