Innovation, Productivity and Sustainability in Food and Agriculture

Main Findings from Country Reviews and Policy Lessons

image of Innovation, Productivity and Sustainability in Food and Agriculture

Markets that function well within a stable regulatory and policy environment are key to improving the productivity and sustainability of the food and agriculture sector. This report contains the main findings and policy lessons gained from a series of wide-ranging country reviews on how government policies can improve sectoral productivity and sustainability through their impact on innovation, structural change, natural resource use, and climate change. Improving the policy environment would require rolling back those policies that distort markets the most and retain farmers in uncompetitive and low-income activities, harm the environment, stifle innovation, slow structural and generational change, and weaken resilience.

Agriculture policy should focus instead on measures that facilitate the uptake of technologies and practices that use resources more efficiently and sustainably, and which contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Of equal importance are: a more collaborative approach, more effective governance systems, the development of long-term strategies, strengthened linkages between national and international actors, and comprehensive and coherent evaluation procedures. Public funding of food and agricultural research is also crucial, and private efforts need to be strengthened, including through public-private partnerships. Finally, improving overall policy coherence would contribute to building trust, and to increasing policy effectiveness at each step of the food and agriculture chain.

English Also available in: French

Innovation policy and the agricultural innovation system

This chapter provides an overview of agricultural innovation systems in the reviewed countries. It outlines their diversity in terms of actors, ambitions, governance, funding mechanisms, incentives to invest and collaborate in research and innovation, and mechanisms to encourage adoption, including farm advisory systems. It also acknowledges efforts to improve the impact of public expenditure and make the system more collaborative and demand driven to increase relevance and thus adoption. Finally, it identifies main knowledge gaps in this area and consolidates recommendations to strengthen agricultural innovation systems made in country reviews.

English Also available in: French


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