Innovation, Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability in Brazil

image of Innovation, Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability in Brazil

Agriculture and the agro-processing sector in Brazil have shown impressive growth over the past two decades. This has largely been driven by productivity improvements and structural adjustment resulting from broad economic reforms, as well as new technologies developed by agricultural science. Government policy and industry initiatives are increasingly focused on the sustainability of agricultural development.


Overview of the food and agriculture situation in Brazil

This chapter provides an overview of the situation of the food and agriculture sector in Brazil. It describes the overall economic, social and environmental context in which the sector operates, and the natural resource base upon which it relies. It provides an overview of the general geographical and economic characteristics of Brazil and outlines the contribution of the agri-food system to the economy. It identifies the main structural characteristics of the primary agricultural and upstream and downstream industries; describes the main food and agriculture outputs and markets; and reviews trends in agricultural productivity and sustainability.




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