Agricultural Policy Monitoring and Evaluation 2023
Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change
This annual report monitors and evaluates agricultural policies in 54 countries, including the 38 OECD countries, the five non-OECD EU Member States, and 11 emerging economies. It finds that support to agriculture has reached record levels amidst subsequent crises, although the increase in support has been less than the sector’s growth. After COVID-19, governments have taken significant action to limit the impacts of the war in Ukraine on the farming sector and markets.
This year’s report focuses on policies for climate-change adaptation and identifies close to 600 adaptation measures adopted by governments, but notes that more action is required to advance the implementation, monitoring and assessment of adaptation measures. The report also finds that most of the support for the sector comes in forms that reduce rather than enhance the sector’s capacity to adjust to future crises, including climate change. In line with the 2022 OECD Agriculture Ministerial Declaration, the report identifies key actions to focus policy efforts on improving agriculture and the food system’s resilience to successive shocks while also enhancing the sector’s environmental performance and productivity.
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New Zealand
Support to agricultural producers in New Zealand consistently ranks among the lowest in the OECD. During 2020-22, the Producer Support Estimate (PSE) averaged 0.7% of gross farm receipts, slightly higher than the 0.5% reported for 2000-02 but far below the OECD average. Almost all prices align with world market prices. Exceptions are fresh poultry and table eggs, and some bee products, which cannot be imported into New Zealand due to the absence of Import Health Standards (IHS) for these products – the standards that imports considered a biosecurity risk must meet. These restrictions result in some market price support (the only form of support to individual commodities in New Zealand), amounting to 12% of gross commodity receipts for poultry meat and 33% for eggs in 2020-22. Additional minor producer support is provided through on-farm services, mainly related to animal health and disaster relief.
Also available in: French
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