Urban Renaissance

Belfast's Lessons for Policy and Partnership

Belfast is at a turning point in its history. If it is to succeed as the peace process advances, the achievements of past urban regeneration efforts need to be evaluated in order to set in place effective policies and strategies for the future. Beginning with environmental priorities, Laganside Corporation, a limited life public body responsible for the regeneration of derelict and abandonned land adjacent to the River Lagan, has facilitated enormous physical, economic and social change right in the centre of Belfast.

This book identifies strategies that can help local agencies and actors better meet the challenges they face, including that of involving the private sector more effectively in regeneration. Although the problems of Belfast are in many ways unique, they also have elements that are fairly typical of cities facing major economic change, environmental problems and social fragmentation.

01 Mar 2000 224 pages English

https://doi.org/10.1787/9789264180901-en 9789264180901 (PDF)

Author(s): OECD