Green Growth in Cities

image of Green Growth in Cities
This report synthesises the findings from six case studies of urban green growth policies, four at city level (Paris, Chicago, Stockholm, Kitakyushu) and two at the national level (China, Korea). It offers a definition of urban green growth and a framework for analysing how it might play out in different types of cities. It demonstrates the importance of urban policies for achieving national environmental policy goals and discusses the increased efficiency of policy intervention at the urban level. It identifies urban activities to reduce environmental impact that are most likely to contribute to the policy priorities of job creation, urban attractiveness, metro-regional supply of green products and services, and increased urban land values. It also provides guidance on addressing potential financing and governance challenges that may arise in pursuing urban green growth. Finally, the report offers a preliminary proposal for how green growth in cities could be measured.


Executive summary

Pursuing green growth in cities is more important than ever in light of the explosive urban growth expected over the coming decades. Today, for the first time in human history, over half of the world’s population lives in urban areas. By the end of the century, this share is projected to rise to around 85%, out of a world population of about 10 billion. This implies there will be 5 billion new urban dwellers to accommodate in the years ahead.


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