Trading Up

Economic Perspectives on Development Issues in the Multilateral Trading System

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The prospect of further trade liberalisation sometimes attracts a noisy public discourse, particularly with respect to the possible implications for developing countries. This volume considers trade and development from an economic perspective, aiming to examine these emotive issues using empirical approaches and dispassionate analysis. What are the potential welfare impacts on developing countries from further liberalisation?  What economic adjustments would such liberalisation entail?  What policy options exist for developing countries seeking to seize on new market opportunities while responding to the associated structural challenges? Trading Up:  Economic Perspectives on Development Issues in the Multilateral Trading System delivers new insights from the latest OECD and World Bank research on these questions and related topics.

English Also available in: French

The Doha Development Agenda

Welfare Gains from Further Multilateral Tariff Liberalisation

This paper considers the welfare gains form trade liberalisation with particular emphasis on reduction of tariff protection. The first part of the paper examines the present structure of tariffs, outlines the DDA work in the area of tariffs, briefly discusses the various approaches to tariff reduction used in past rounds of multilateral trade negotiations and considers a sample of the existing literature on the effects of various trade liberalisation scenarios involving tariff reductions.


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