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Title Index

Year Index

  • 30 Oct 2009
  • OECD, Statistical Office of the European Communities
  • Pages: 472

This publication, which is jointly produced by the OECD and Eurostat, includes statistics by detailed type of service on international trade in services for the 30 OECD countries, the European Union and the euro area* as well as analysis, definitions and methodological notes. The data are reported within the framework of the fifth edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments Manual and the Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification (EBOPS), which is consistent with the balance of payments classification but is more detailed.

This book includes summary tables by country and by service category and zone totals for the European Union, Euro area, G7, NAFTA, OECD - Asia and Pacific, OECD - Europe and total OECD which are comparable. Tables for each individual OECD country and for the EU and the euro area showing data for detailed service categories are also provided. Series are shown in US dollars and cover the period 1999-2007.

  • 23 Sept 2009
  • Patrick Love, Ralph Lattimore
  • Pages: 224

Le commerce international influence directement le prix et la disponibilité de tout ce que nous achetons ou presque. Son rôle est également notable dans beaucoup d’autres domaines, notamment l’emploi, l’environnement et la lutte contre la pauvreté. Les essentiels de l'OCDE : Le commerce international soutient que la prospérité a rarement, voire jamais, été atteinte ou maintenue sans le concours du commerce. Néanmoins, à lui seul, il ne constitue pas une condition suffisante, et des politiques orientées vers l’emploi, l’éducation, la santé et bien d’autres domaines encore sont nécessaires pour favoriser le bien-être et s’attaquer aux défis d’une économie mondialisée.

Spanish, English, German

Les Principes de l'OCDE applicables en matière de prix de transfert fournissent des lignes directrices sur l’application du « principe de pleine concurrence ». Ce principe est le consensus international en matière de prix de transfert, c’est-à-dire pour la valorisation aux fins fiscales des transactions internationales entre entreprises associées. Dans une économie globale où les entreprises multinationales (EMN) jouent un rôle essentiel, les prix de transfert sont un sujet prioritaire pour les administrations fiscales comme pour les contribuables. Les gouvernements doivent s’assurer que les profits imposables des EMN ne sont pas transférés artificiellement hors de leur juridiction et que les bases fiscales déclarées par les EMN dans leur pays reflètent l’activité économique qui y est entreprise. Pour les contribuables, il est essentiel de limiter les risques de double imposition économique qui peuvent résulter d’un différend entre deux pays sur la détermination de la rémunération de pleine concurrence de leurs transactions internationales avec des entreprises associées.

Les Principes de l'OCDE applicables en matière de prix de transfert ont été approuvés par le Conseil de l’OCDE dans leur version originale en 1995. Dans l’édition 2009, des modifications ont été effectuées au chapitre IV, principalement pour refléter l’adoption, dans la mise à jour 2008 du Modèle de convention fiscale, d’un nouveau paragraphe 5 de l’article 25 traitant de l’arbitrage, ainsi que de changements apportés au Commentaire de l’article 25 sur les procédures amiables pour résoudre les différends fiscaux internationaux.


OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations provides guidance on the application of the "arm's length principle" for valuation for tax purposes of cross-border transactions between associated enterprises. In a global economy where multinational enterprises (MNEs) play a prominent role, governments need to ensure that the taxable profits of MNEs are not artificially shifted out of their jurisdiction and that the tax base reported by MNEs in their country reflects the economic activity undertaken therein. For taxpayers, it is essential to limit the risks of economic double taxation that may result from a dispute between two countries on the determination of the arm’s length remuneration for their cross-border transactions with associated enterprises.

The OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines clarifies these issues and were originally approved by the OECD Council in 1995. In this 2009 edition, some amendments have been made to Chapter IV, primarily to reflect the adoption, in the 2008 update of the Model Tax Convention, of a new paragraph 5 of Article 25 dealing with arbitration, and of changes to the Commentary on Article 25 on mutual agreement procedures to resolve cross-border tax disputes.

  • 15 Jul 2009
  • OECD, World Trade Organization
  • Pages: 316

Numerous barriers prevent developing countries - in particular the least developed - from taking advantage of trade opportunities that could help them reduce poverty. The Aid-for-Trade Initiative has successfully built awareness of the support these countries need to surmount these barriers. As a result, more and more developing countries are raising the profile of trade issues in their development strategies and donors are responding by increasing the resources they provide to build trade capacity in areas such as policy, institutions and infrastructure.

This aid-for-trade monitoring report - the second of its kind - documents the success of the initiative to date. It examines trends and developments and presents a comprehensive analysis of donor and partner country engagement. In addition, it addresses the regional dimension of aid for trade and showcases three cross-border infrastructure projects. Finally, the report provides fact sheets that help in assessing the outcomes and impacts of aid for trade.

The main conclusions are positive. Nonetheless, the outlook is affected by the current global economic crisis. Aid for trade is now, and more than ever, essential to help suppliers from developing countries build capacity and penetrate global markets. The key message of the report is clear: aid for trade must remain an essential component of development assistance. It offers a number of steps, in this respect, that can advance the aid-for-trade dialogue.

French, Spanish
  • 24 Jun 2009
  • OECD Development Centre
  • Pages: 179

América Latina está volviendo los ojos hacia China y Asia, y éstas le corresponden. Se trata de un cambio signi­cativo: por primera vez en su historia, América Latina puede bene­ciarse no de uno, sino de tres importantes motores del desarrollo mundial. Hasta la década de los ochenta, Estados Unidos era el mayor socio comercial de la región. En los noventa, un segundo motor de desarrollo surgió con el boom de la inversión europea en América Latina. Ahora, en los albores del nuevo siglo, la creciente in‑uencia económica global de Asia, y en particular la de China, supone un potencial tercer motor de desarrollo.

Este libro plantea las oportunidades y los retos que las economías latinoamericanas enfrentarán a medida que aumente la preponderancia de China en la economía mundial y en los mercados tradicionales de América Latina.

English, Chinese
  • 28 May 2009
  • Patrick Love, Ralph Lattimore
  • Pages: 202

Der internationale Handel hat Auswirkungen auf den Preis und die Verfügbarkeit von fast allem, was wir kaufen. Zudem hat er Einfluss auf eine Vielzahl anderer Bereiche wie Beschäftigung, Umwelt und Armutsbekämpfung. Und er wird seinerseits von einer Fülle verschiedener Faktoren beeinflusst, von der natürlichen Ressourcenausstattung bis hin zu Modetrends.

Die OECD ist eine führende Quelle für Daten, Analysen und Politikempfehlungen in Handelsfragen. Gestützt auf dieses umfassende Fachwissen wird in OECD Insights: Internationaler Handel deutlich gemacht, dass es ohne Handel – wenn überhaupt – nur selten gelungen ist, Wohlstand zu erreichen oder zu sichern. Handel allein ist jedoch nicht genug. Es bedarf darüber hinaus Maßnahmen in Bereichen wie Beschäftigung, Bildung oder Gesundheit, um das Wohlergehen der Menschen zu fördern und die Herausforderungen der globalisierten Wirtschaft zu bewältigen.

English, French, Spanish
  • 19 May 2009
  • Patrick Love, Ralph Lattimore
  • Pages: 194
International trade affects the price and availability of practically everything we buy. It also plays a role in many other domains, including jobs, the environment and the fight against poverty. OECD Insights: International Trade argues that prosperity has rarely, if ever, been achieved or sustained without trade. Trade alone, however, is not enough. Policies targeting employment, education, health and other issues are also needed to promote well-being and tackle the challenges of a globalised economy.

"The OECD is a major source for insightful analyses of current trade issues. It also plays a role in disseminating skilfully the results of less accessible writings on trade. This short book is a valuable addition to the latter endeavour and should be on the shelf of policy makers." 

-Jagdish Bhagwati, Columbia University

German, French, Spanish
OECD countries still dominate the world economy, but their share of world trade dropped from 73% in 1992 to 64% in 2005, and some of the world’s most important economies are not members of the OECD. Foremost among these are the so-called BRIICS: Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa.

This book analyses key elements of the trade performance of the BRIICS in relation to the rest of the world, focusing on trade and other policies influencing that performance. Developments in global trade policy are reviewed, notably the impact of preferential trade agreements on the multilateral system and patterns of world trade are described using both indices that reveal networks of trading relations and more standard modeling results.

As well as the global analysis, the book also presents a separate chapter for each of the BRIICS, examining the key development and trade issues in each of the six countries over the past few years.

This OECD publication provides statistics on international trade in services by partner country for 28 OECD countries plus the European Union (EU25 and EU27), the Euro area, and Hong Kong (SAR China) as well as definitions and methodological notes. The data concern trade between residents and non-residents of countries and are reported within the framework of the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in Services. This book includes summary tables of trade patterns listing the main trading partners for each country and by broad service category. Series are shown in US dollars and cover the period 2003-2006.

Les échanges internationaux se sont considérablement développés ces dernières années, grâce en partie à la réduction progressive des droits de douane et des contingents tarifaires dans le cadre des cycles successifs de libéralisation multilatérale des échanges. Toutefois, ce développement met en avant une des faiblesses persistantes du commerce international: les obstacles à la frontière que produisent les procédures et formalités commerciales inefficaces, obsolètes et compliquées empêchent les pays de profiter pleinement des avantages de marchés mondiaux ouverts. Les six études rassemblées dans cette publication examinent dans quel mesure des procédures inefficaces à la frontière ont un impact sur les flux des échanges et des investissements, comment les facteurs institutionnels et politiques affectent la conception et la mise en œuvre de mesures visant à améliorer l’efficacité accompagnés de bénéfices escomptés de ces mesures pour justifier les dépenses nécessaires pour les mettre en place et si ces dépenses sont à la portée des pays en voie de développement et des pays les moins avancés, étant donné leurs autres priorités de développement.


International trade has grown rapidly in recent years, thanks in part to the progressive reduction of tariffs and quotas through successive rounds of multilateral trade liberalisation. However, this progress brings to light one of the remaining weak links of international trade, which prevents countries from drawing full benefits from the advantages of open global markets: border bottlenecks generated by inefficient, outdated and complex trade procedures and formalities. This book brings together six studies that examine to what extent and in which ways the costs of inefficient border processes influence trade and investment flows, how institutional and political factors affect the design and implementation of efficiency-enhancing measures, whether the expected benefits of these measures enough to justify the expenses of putting them in place, and whether the expenses involved are within the reach of developing and least developed countries, especially in light of other development priorities.

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