Settling In: OECD Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2012

image of Settling In: OECD Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2012

This publication highlights how immigrants and their children are integrating into OECD societies, judging their progress against key indicators. Many areas are considered (material living conditions, health, education, labour market, civic engagement) as integration is a multi-dimensional issue. Measures of outcomes, as well as of progress made over the past decade, are presented in comparison with outcomes of a reference group (the population born in the country of residence). Three series of questions are addressed: 1) To what extent does the average performance of immigrants differ from that of the native-born?; 2) Can these differences be explained by structural effects (different distributions by age, educational level, etc.)?; 3) How has integration record evolved over the past decade?

An introductory chapter provides a detailed description of the populations under review (foreign-born persons and households, as well as native-born offspring of immigrants). The final chapter gives an overview on discrimination issues, as this is one possible source of persistent disadvantages of immigrants and their children.  

English Also available in: French, German

Contextual indicators

Implementing effective integration policies requires evaluating the extent to which outcomes of immigrants and their offspring differ from those of a reference group. When differences exist, it is important to identify clearly the reasons why. An immigrant population’s composition reflects successive waves of migration of persons of different backgrounds and skills and varies widely within and across countries. A detailed presentation of the socio-economic characteristics of immigrants and their offspring and comparison with a reference group is prerequisites to any assessment of outcomes. Variations in distribution by age, educational attainment or other socio-demographic characteristics between the target and reference population can make simple comparisons of the two groups’ average outcomes difficult to interpret. In addition to these socio-demographic characteristics, it is important to examine (when the statistical information is available) special features of the immigrant population, such as their language skills, the place where their education has been completed, their access to information about labour market opportunities and knowledge of the employment and social services in the destination country. While some immigrants’ specific features may hamper their outcomes, this should not be the case for the children of immigrants born and educated in the host country. The children’s outcomes are sometimes considered the benchmark by which integration is judged.The purpose of this chapter is to define and describe the different population groups examined in this publication. Section focuses on the immigrant population and Section on the native-born children of immigrants, including a comparison of their separate socio-demographic characteristics with those of the reference population. Section focuses on immigrant households in terms of size and composition. Overall, throughout the publication, there are frequent references to such contextual data in order to highlight differences observed between target and reference populations.

English Also available in: German, French



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