A Profile of Immigrant Populations in the 21st Century

Data from OECD Countries

image of A Profile of Immigrant Populations in the 21st Century

This publication presents and discusses some of the key information available in the newly created Database on Immigrants in OECD Countries (DIOC). The many graphs and tables include data on: immigrants’ demography including age, gender and duration of stay; and their labour market outcomes including labour market status, occupation and sector of activity.

The book consists of nine thematic chapters, each including a brief description of sources, and a discussion of cross-country differences. The chapters also include a short analysis of specific issues relevant to the data, such as the gender dimension of “brain drain”, the international migration of health professionals, and the role of low-skilled foreign-born workers in domestic services.

An introductory chapter provides an overview of the data to present a picture of international migration to the OECD from four regions: Africa, Asia, and Latin America and from within the OECD area. A methodogical note completes the report by summarizing the different sources and methods applied and explaining the structure of the new DIOC.

"Immigration is fascinating, and a new report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, A Profile of Immigrant Populations in the 21srt Century,  has some juicy nuggets."

-The Times (London)


The Foreign and Foreign-born Populations

The database provides figures on the total population by country of birth and citizenship (foreigners and nationals). Data are presented for all OECD countries (except Iceland and Korea) around the year 2000. The breakdown according to nationality and country of birth is incomplete in the case of Germany, Japan, Mexico and the United Kingdom (see Annex A for further information).


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