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Title Index

Year Index

  • 24 Dec 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 256

Twice a year, the OECD Economic Outlook analyses the major trends that will mark the next two years. The present issue covers the outlook to the end of 2004 and examines the economic policies required to foster high and sustainable growth in member countries. Developments in selected major non-OECD economies are also evaluated in detail.

In addition to the themes featured regularly, this issue contains four analytical chapters addressing the following important questions: the deterioration in budgetary positions in most OECD countries, raising the labour force participation of older workers,  the benefits that OECD countries could achieve from undertaking reforms to promote product market competition, and inflation rates in some of the larger, slow-growing economies have not declined sufficiently to offset higher rates elsewhere in the euro area.

French, German

Cette publication compare les aspects clés des méthodologies statistiques utilisées par les pays membres de l’OCDE pour compiler les indices des prix. Elle met l’accent sur la comparaison des données dans le contexte de normes statistiques internationales et de recommandations publiées par l’OCDE et d’autres organismes internationaux. Cette publication complète deux autres publications de l'OCDE, Principaux indicateurs économiques (PIE) et Principaux indicateurs économiques : sources et définitions.


Cette étude traite d'un sujet d’une actualité brûlante : l'utilisation d'incitations fiscales pour attirer les investissements directs étrangers (IDE). La capacité d’offrir un cadre fiscal compétitif sur le plan international est de plus en plus considérée comme un facteur déterminant pour attirer les IDE. L’impôt sur les sociétés apparaissant comme l’élément dont l’incidence est la plus directe sur les entreprises multinationales, c’est sur cet impôt que se concentrent les pressions en faveur d’une réduction de la fiscalité du pays d’accueil afin d’attirer des capitaux. D’un autre côté, l’impôt sur les sociétés tient une place importante dans les recettes publiques et permet d’atteindre des revenus de source intérieure qui auraient pu sinon échapper à l’impôt. La volonté d’imposer ces revenus sans décourager les investisseurs soulève des questions cruciales concernant, d’une part, la sensibilité de l’investissement direct à la fiscalité et, d’autre part, la répartition souhaitable des différentes dispositions fiscales qui déterminent le niveau des prélèvements dans le pays d’accueil et influent sur les comportements en matière d’investissement et de financement. Cette étude examine diverses dispositions relatives à l’impôt sur les sociétés qui visent à promouvoir les IDE. Elle passe également en revue un certain nombre de problèmes liés à l’évaluation de leur efficacité. La question cruciale étant de savoir combien d’investissements additionnels les allégements fiscaux peuvent engendrer, et à quel coût, l’étude fait la synthèse des découvertes empiriques récentes. Celles-ci font apparaître une sensibilité croissante des IDE aux prélèvements fiscaux dans le pays d’accueil, ce qui est cohérent avec le mouvement de mondialisation de la production. On constate par ailleurs que certaines approches favorisent les stratégies d’optimisation fiscale et conduisent à des pertes involontaires de recettes fiscales. L’étude insiste sur la nécessité d’évaluer les interactions fiscales possibles entre le pays d’origine et le pays d’accueil, car elles influencent l’efficacité des incitations fiscales. De façon plus générale, l’étude souligne la nécessité d’aller au-delà de ce que l’analyse économique traditionnelle peut nous apprendre. Bien que cette étude soit surtout destinée à servir de guide aux décideurs dans les économies de marché émergentes, elle peut aussi, plus généralement, constituer un document de référence pour les analystes dans le domaine de la politique fiscale.

  • 19 Dec 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 244

OECD countries are undergoing an unprecedented increase in the proportion of elderly people among their total populations. To address these issues, the OECD organised a conference in Oslo in May 2002. This report highlights how ageing will affect urban design and development in terms of housing, land use, transportation and the urban environment and points to the growing role of new technologies in member countries. The book, featuring statistical data, is for sociologists, policy researchers, journalists, librarians and economists. 

  • 18 Dec 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 117

This publication provides detailed information on individual commitments, i.e. intended disbursements, of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Official Aid (OA) to countries in Europe and Oceania for the years 2000 and 2001. This yearly publication records the commitments reported by members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and by multilateral institutions to the Creditor Reporting System (CRS). Data presented are unique, comparable and consistent with definitions and methodologies of the DAC statistics.

The information is designed for use by development agencies and institutions involved in country and sector programming and analysis. For each developing country, transactions are ordered by commitment year and sector, and within each sector, by donor.

  • 17 Dec 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 208

This 2002 edition of OECD's periodic review of Germany's economy examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects and includes a special feature on public sector spending reform.

German, French
  • 17 Dec 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 114

This brochure is published within the framework of the activities of the Scheme for the Application of International Standards for Fruit and Vegetables set up by OECD in 1962. It comprises comments and illustrations to facilitate the common interpretation of standards in force and is therefore a valuable tool for both the Inspection Authorities and professional bodies responsible for the application of standards or interested in the international trade in these products.

This brochure is published within the framework of the activities of the Scheme for the Application of International Standards for Fruit and Vegetables set up by OECD in 1962. It comprises comments and illustrations to facilitate the common interpretation of standards in force and is therefore a valuable tool for both the Inspection Authorities and professional bodies responsible for the application of standards or interested in the international trade in these products.

  • 17 Dec 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 239
Der Bericht liefert eine umfassende volkswirtschaftliche Analyse Deutschlands. Die Wirtschaftsberichte entstehen im Rahmen einer Peer Review und enthalten konkrete Empfehlungen für die Wirtschaftspolitik des untersuchten Landes. Diese Empfehlungen spiegeln den Konsens der OECD-Mitgliedsländer wider. Der Bericht erscheint alle eineinhalb bis zwei Jahre.

Sonderthema dieser Ausgabe sind Fragen in Bezug auf die Reform der öffentlichen Ausgaben.

French, English
  • 17 Dec 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 280

Dans les économies de l’OCDE, les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) continuent d’apporter une contribution cruciale à l’amélioration des performances économiques, en particulier dans le contexte du ralentissement de la croissance observé depuis quelque temps. Dans la plupart des pays de l’OCDE, plus de 95 % des entreprises sont des PME, lesquelles génèrent plus de la moitié des emplois dans le secteur privé. Les pouvoirs publics mettent en oeuvre toute une panoplie de mesures et de programmes destinés à promouvoir l'entreprenariat et le développement des PME. Ces dispositifs visent généralement à aplanir les difficultés auxquelles se heurtent les PME dans les domaines du financement, de la technologie et de l’innovation, du commerce électronique, de la gestion et de l’internationalisation.

Ce deuxième rapport biennal examine l’évolution des politiques à l’égard des PME dans 28 pays de l’OCDE et présente les conclusions des travaux menés récemment à l’OCDE sur des thèmes tels que la démographie des entreprises, la fiscalité, les PME et l’entreprenariat, les PME et la gestion de l’environnement, ou encore les répercussions de la restructuration industrielle qui s’opère à l’échelle mondiale sur les PME. Cette publication permet également de comparer les indicateurs-clés relatifs aux PME ainsi que les tendances observées dans les pays de l’OCDE.

  • 17 Dec 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 252

The Champagne-Ardenne region in the north-east of France enjoys comparative advantages in a number of sectors, including mechanics, metalworking, packaging and agriculture, and of course Champagne. Although it still ranks fifth among French regions in terms of GDP/capita, Champagne-Ardenne lost ground during the recession of the early 1990s.

This report analyses the strategy conducted by the Regional Council to strengthen the catching-up process and diversify the regional economy. It insists on the need to focus on two prime engines of growth: entrepreneurship and foreign direct investment. Moreover, increasing the competitiveness of the region calls for special efforts to help Champagne-Ardenne move towards more knowledge-based economic activities, to stimulate research and to encourage SMEs to network and innovate. While a better balance between agricultural policies and rural policies needs to be found, the region also has an important role to play in fighting urban decay - Champagne-Ardenne is one of the regions in France with the largest proportions of total population living in sensitive urban zones.The report also suggests that the potential for urban development could be enhanced by encouraging co-operation among cities and fostering the establishment of urban networks.


This book presents the proceedings of the 25th CIRET Conference, entitled "Business Surveys and Empirical Analysis of Economic and Social Survey Data" was hosted by OECD and INSEE in Paris, France in 2000.

  • 16 Dec 2002
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 277

In most IEA Member countries, natural gas demand varies strongly during the year, according to temperature. Flexibility is needed to cover seasonal swings and variations in gas demand, especially for household customers. This book analyses how new flexibility tools and mechanisms are developing with market liberalisation and with the evolution of supply and demand trends. It highlights differences in flexibility requirements and provisions among IEA Member countries.

  • 16 Dec 2002
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 157
The International Energy Agency's 2002 review of the UK's energy policies and programmes. It finds that the UK energy sector has performed remarkably well during the 1990s. The gas and electricity markets opened up to competition. Real gas and electricity prices fell. Domestic natural gas replaced coal in the power industry, and carbon dioxide emissions and air pollution declined as a result. Increased oil and gas production on the UK continental shelf has contributed significantly to these developments. Central to the success of the energy sector however, was a readiness to adjust policies and regulatory measures when shortcomings became apparent. The last major adjustment was the introduction of the New Electricity Trading Rules in March 2001. These rules provided the decisive step towards a fully competitive power market.

Thanks to energy market reform and the resulting "dash for gas" in power generation, the UK is likely to meet its 12.5% greenhouse gas reduction target under the Kyoto Protocol. But the country has a national target to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 20% below 1990 levels by 2010. Meeting this target will require extra efforts.

In the gas market, capacity auctions at the St. Fergus entry point into the UK’s onshore pipeline system have fetched very high bid prices in recent years. This has revealed bottlenecks at the St. Fergus terminal and farther afield. But so far the high prices have not resulted in capacity expansion. The regulatory regime may have to be adjusted to give stronger incentives for new pipeline construction.

  • 16 Dec 2002
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 372

Driven by an increasing recognition of the many advantages of natural gas and by the need to diversify its coal-dominated energy supply, China’s natural gas industry is poised for rapid expansion. This study describes China’s gas market situation and examines the key issues facing its industry and policy makers. Drawing on the experiences and lessons from developed gas markets around the world and taking into account the specific circumstances of the Chinese gas market, it also offers a number of policy suggestions for the Chinese government to consider in its effort to boost the country’s natural gas industry.

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