Nuclear Law Bulletin

Nuclear Energy Agency

Published twice a year, the Nuclear Law Bulletin covers legislative developments in almost 60 countries around the world as well as reporting on relevant jurisprudence and administrative decisions, bilateral and international agreements and regulatory activities of international organisations.

Each issue typically includes the following sections: Articles, Case Law, National Legislative and Regulatory Activities, International Regulatory Activities, Agreements, News Briefs, and a Supplement.

English Also available in: French

National Legislative and Regulatory Activities

Nuclear Energy Agency


Act on the Use of Atomic Energy (2008)


Safety guideline on final disposal of radioactive waste in a deep geological repository (2008)

Decree concerning the procedures applicable to foreign spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste reprocessing (2008)


Amendment to the 1986 Act on Preventive Protection of the Public Against Radiation (2008)

Order on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (2008)

Act on the 2004 Protocols to Amend the Paris Convention and the Brussels Supplementary Convention;

Act to Amend the Atomic Energy Act (2008)


Energy Policy 2007-2020 Framework Strategy (2008)


Regulation on licensing of uses of ionizing radiation sources and nuclear materials (2008)


Implementing law on urgent provisions for economic development etc. (2008)


Law on the Environment (2008)


Decision on the organisational structure of the Nuclear Agency (2008)

Decision on the selection of the investors of Units 3 and 4 of Cernavoda NPP (2008)

Consolidated version the Civil Protection Law (2008)

National strategy for preventing emergency situations (2008)

National strategy for information sharing and communication in the event of an emergency (2008)

Russian Federation

Decree transferring responsibilities to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology (2008)

Slovak Republic

Transposition of Council Directive 2006/117/Euratom (2008)


Decree creating the state enterprise “Nuclear Fuel” (2008)

Amendment to the law on radioactive waste management (2008)

United Kingdom

New Ministry for Energy and Climate Change (2008)

United States

Next generation nuclear plant licensing strategy (2008)

Public health and environmental radiation protection standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada (2008)

Inflation adjustment to the Price-Anderson Act (2008)

English Also available in: French

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