Regulatory Policy in Mexico

Towards a Whole-of-Government Perspective to Regulatory Improvement

image of Regulatory Policy in Mexico

Mexico has made several efforts to design and implement a regulatory improvement policy over the past several years. The institutions involved in the better regulation policy have played a key role in enhancing regulatory quality. This includes the Federal Regulatory Improvement Commission (COFEMER), the Ministry of Economy, and the Ministry of Public Administration. Mexico now has two decades of experience in the application of Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA). Over this period, it has continued to expand the scope of RIA, to refine and improve the specific requirements and to invest substantial resources in implementation. Recently, Mexico has adopted the internationally recognised Standard Cost Model, which has brought a renewed impetus across the federal government to reduce administrative burdens generated by formalities. There is also a thriving multi-level regulatory governance programme. As a result, Mexico is currently at a stage where positive results are being obtained. However, this is not the time to slow down; instead, further work should be fostered to step up to a new phase of regulatory quality which embeds an effective and profound regulatory improvement culture across the federal government.


Administrative simplification and management of the stock of regulation in Mexico

This chapter presents the actions on administrative simplification and management of the stock of regulation applied by Mexico in the recent years. International best practice has been adopted in the programme to reduce administrative burdens, through the adaptation of the Standard Cost Model. These actions have been complemented with other administrative simplification strategies which have been priorities of the Mexican government, including the Base Cero programme and the one-stop shop tuempresa.gob.mx. The programme of simplification for regulation inside government has delivered significant results.


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