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Across the OECD, globalisation increasingly tests the ability of regional economies to adapt and exploit their competitive edge, as it also offers new opportunities for regional development.  This review of Newcastle in the United Kingdom looks at a medium-sized metropolitan area that is the growth centre for its region. This review makes a series of recommendations designed to consolidate governance structures and improve the competitiveness of the region vis-a-vis other similar regions across Europe.

The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are recommendations to international business for conduct in such areas as labour, environment, consumer protection and the fight against corruption.  The recommendations are made by the adhering governments and, although not binding, governments are committed to promoting their observance.  This Annual Report provides an account of the actions the 39 adhering governments have taken over the 12 months to June 2006 to enhance the contribution of the Guidelines to the improved functioning of the global economy. One highlight of this reporting period was the completion of guidance for companies operating in weak governance zones.  This Tool aims to help companies that invest in countries where governments are unable or unwilling to take up their responsibilities by offering considerations in such areas as obeying the law and observing international instruments; political activities; knowing clients and business partners; and speaking out about wrongdoing.


Red tape is burdensome to companies,  inhibits entrepreneurship, and reduces competitiveness.  This book examines country strategies and tools for reducing red tape and the institutional frameworks set up to reduce red tape, and finds what the trends are and what strategies are working. 

French, Spanish, Portuguese
  • 27 Nov 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 180

Milan has earned a high-profile reputation as a centre of advanced functions, in addition to being an international capital of fashion and design. However, both internal and external challenges are putting strains on Milan’s aspiration to become a southern European and Mediterranean hub.  This review highlights Milan’s potential to capitalise on its advanced services to bolster the regional innovation dynamics and to fuel national growth. It also points out that failure to accelerate the innovation process and to enhance the region’s attractiveness as well as its capacity to implement flagship projects could prove costly. Finally, it calls for rapid metropolitan governance reforms to design and to implement a competitiveness strategy for the entire metropolitan region.

Ce rapport expose les lignes directrices de l'OCDE sur le gouvernement des entreprises publiques des pays membres en comparant les grandes caractéristiques de chaque système national. Par ailleurs, il analyse la part de ces entreprises dans les pays de l'OCDE, la fonction de dirigeant d'entreprise,  les rapports avec les parties prenantes autres que l'État, le rôle des parties prenantes dans le gouvernement d'entreprise, la transparence et la diffusion d'information, et enfin, le conseil d'administration.

Les tableaux qui figurent en annexe comparent les statuts juridiques respectifs, la transparence et la diffusion d'information, la composition et les fonctions du Conseil d'administration de ces entreprises publiques et enfin, la nomination et la rémunération des PDG à travers les pays membres.

  • 17 Nov 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 450

Urban areas represent an important part of the national economy and feature higher GDP per capita and productivity levels than their country’s average. But they also harbour large pockets of unemployment and poverty and suffer from problems such as congestion, pollution and crime.  This book examines whether they are sustainable in the long term and what needs to be done to keep these engines of economic growth running smoothly. A synthesis report based on OECD metropolitan reviews and a database of 78 metro regions, this report examines cities performance within their countries and addresses key issues such as competitiveness and social cohesion, intergovernmental relationships, and urban finance.

“This is a 'must read' publication, not only for those who already believe in the key importance of urban policy, but even more so for those who remain to be convinced.”  Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, Mayor of Madrid, Spain

"The most comprehensive examination of the territorial dimension underlying economic growth today."
Saskia Sassen, author of Territory, Authority, Rights: From Medieval to Global Assemblages (Princeton University Press 2006).

With the nation-state and the corporation seen as the world’s two competing economic and social units, the regional economy is often overlooked. It’s refreshing to see such detailed attention paid to its role as the real motor force of international growth.”
Richard Florida, author of The Flight of the Creative Class.

“This report on cities demonstrates that economic prosperity and social well-being are inseparable.”
Jean-Louis Borloo, Minister of Labour, Social Cohesion and Housing, France.

"A striking report that will force governments to reconsider their urban agenda".
Dr. Giulio Santagata, Minister of Government's Programmes, Italy.

This report provides invaluable advice for policy makers as our cities grapple with profound change."
David Crane, Columnist on Global Issues, The Toronto Star


  • 27 Oct 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 132

Turkish domestic equity markets and inward foreign investment are poised to grow rapdily but only if corporate governance standards are high enough to protect minority shareholders. This report evaluates the extent to which the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance have been implemented in Turkey, looking at both the legal and regulatory framework as well as company practices. It finds that significant reforms to the corporate governance framework have already been introduced, and supports additional legislative reforms that are already in progress. Looking ahead, the report argues that it is time to move into the next important phase in policy reform, and makes a series of recommendations for further strengthening Turkeys corporate governance structures.

  • 25 Oct 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 160

Large-scale study of populations may contribute significantly to science’s understanding of the complex multi-factorial basis of disease and to improvements in prevention, detection, diagnosis, treatment and cure. This book summarises the proceedings of a conference on human genetic research databases.  It examines what they are and provides a number of examples. It looks at how they have been established, governed, and funded. And it looks at how they are managed and commercialised, exploring what the policy implications are for governments. 

Die Corporate Governance staatseigener Unternehmen stellt viele Volkswirtschaften vor große Herausforderungen. Obwohl auf diese Unternehmen häufig ein signifikanter Teil der Volkswirtschaft entfällt, gab es bislang noch keine internationalen Maßstäbe, an denen sich die staatlichen Stellen bei der Beurteilung und Verbesserung der Methoden zur Wahrnehmung ihrer Aufgaben als Eigentümer dieser Unternehmen hätten orientieren können. Mit den vorliegenden OECD-Leitsätzen zu Corporate Governance in staatseigenen Unternehmen wird diese gravierende Lücke geschlossen.


  • 20 Oct 2006
  • OECD, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Pages: 404

This book contains the results of peer reviews of the competition law and policies of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Peru.  Each review  provides information on the history and economic context for competition law, an outline of the provisions of the current law and policies, a review of institutional issues, a review of competition policy in specific regulated sectors, a review of competition advocacy, and a set of conclusions and recommendations.

Angesichts eines drastischen Rückgangs der Beschäftigung im landwirtschaftlichen Sektor sind die ländlichen Gebiete im OECD-Raum heute von einem breiten Spektrum verschiedener Motoren des Wirtschaftswachstums abhängig. Die zunehmende Globalisierung, verbesserte Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten und gesunkene
Transportkosten sind zusätzliche Faktoren, die den wirtschaftlichen Wandel im ländlichen Raum beschleunigen. Theorie und Praxis der Politik für den ländlichen Raum haben inzwischen erkannt, dass es mit finanzieller Umverteilung und agrarpolitischen Maßnahmen nicht möglich ist, das Potenzial dieser wirtschaftlichen Antriebsfaktoren auszuschöpfen. Dieser thematische Bericht sucht daher, den Paradigmenwandel in der Politik für die ländliche Entwicklung, der diesen wirtschaftlichen
Veränderungen Rechnung tragen soll, wie auch den zur Umsetzung dieser Politik nötigen neuen Governance-Ansatz zu erläutern.
Spanish, English, French

Gérer les conflits d’intérêts sont aujourd’hui un important sujet de préoccupation dans le monde entier, dans le secteur public comme dans le secteur privé. Déceler des conflits d’intérêts et  trouver des solutions adéquates peut être difficile.  Ce Mode d'emploi propose des techniques, des ressources et des stratégies concrètes pour mettre en évidence, traiter et éviter les situations de conflits d’intérêts, et assurer l’intégrité de la prise de décision publique, celle-ci pouvant être compromise par un conflit d’intérêts.

Ce Mode d'emploi apporte une aide concrète et non technique aux agents publics afin de leur permettre de reconnaître les situations problématiques et de protéger leur intégrité et leur réputation. Des instruments sont proposés sous une forme générique. Ils s’inspirent des mesures concrètes prises par divers pays de l’OCDE ainsi que par certains pays non membres. Ils sont conçus pour faciliter leur adaptation à des pays ayant différents systèmes administratifs et légaux.

Bulgarian, Estonian, Latvian, Czech, English
  • 01 Sept 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 360

This volume provides quantitative information on central government debt instruments for the 30 OECD member countries to meet the analytical requirements of users such as policy makers, debt management experts and market analysts.  Statistics are presented according to a comprehensive standard framework to allow cross-country comparison.  Country notes provide information on debt issuance in each country as well as on the institutional and regulatory framework governing debt management policy and selling techniques.

  • 08 Aug 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 210

This detailed policy review examines recent developments in regional policy in France and in particular, challenges regarding competiveness policies and multilevel governance. It includes interesting statistics related to regions and makes a series of recommendations for French authorities.

  • 26 Jul 2006
  • Charles P. Oman, Christiane Arndt
  • Pages: 122
Rapidly rising attention to the quality of governance in developing countries is driving explosive growth in the use of governance “indicators” by international investors, donors of official development assistance, development analysts and academics.  This study helps them find their way through the jungle of existing governance indicators, and shows how they tend to be widely misused both in international comparisons and in tracking changes in individual countries. It also explains recent developments in the supply of governance indicators, arguing that while there will never be one perfect governance indicator, the production and use of more transparent governance indicators will better serve the needs of users and developing countries alike.

"Highly informative and equally persuasive."
            -Adam Przeworski, Carroll and Milton Petrie Professor of Politics, New York University 

"Should be required reading by all who publish or use governance indicators, especially those who are making policy or offering policy advice."
            -John D. Sullivan, Executive Director, Center for International Private Enterprise 

“Given the proliferation of governance indicators, Arndt and Oman offer a welcome assessment of how existing studies are best interpreted and used by scholars, aid agencies, governments and businesses.  This careful appraisal of present knowledge will be the basis for launching the next round of inquires.” 
            -Hilton L. Root, Former U.S. Treasury Department Official, Author of Capital and Collusion, Princeton University Press.  

 “A seminal study. Extremely thorough. Should reach a very wide audience”
            -François Roubaud, Director of Research, Développement Institutions et Analyses de Long terme (DIAL)

  • 26 Jun 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 168

What is the new rural paradigm? Its main characteristics are a focus on places rather than sectors and an emphasis on investments rather than subsidies. In an era of reduced agricultural employment, this report highlights the important and diverse challenges facing rural areas, their unused potential, and the inability of sectoral policy to address this. It also provides an overview of the main socio-economic trends affecting rural areas across the OECD. Further, it addresses the governance requirements of the new cross-sectoral approach to rural policy.

German, Spanish, French
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