Strengthening Health Information Infrastructure for Health Care Quality Governance

Good Practices, New Opportunities and Data Privacy Protection Challenges

image of Strengthening Health Information Infrastructure for Health Care Quality Governance

Health data constitutes a significant resource in most OECD countries that could be used to improve population health, the quality of health care and the performance of health systems. Rising levels of chronic diseases; concerns about the quality and safety of patient care; the need to assure value for investments in health care; and the need to allocate health resources wisely; are all too important to be left without good evidence for decision making.

This book, based on studies of 19 countries on the development and use of personal health data and of 25 countries on development and use of electronic health record systems, includes results showing good practices, new opportunities and data privacy protection challenges. It finds that well-intended policies to allay concerns about breaches of confidentiality and potential misuse of personal health data may be limiting data use, but that the next five years appear promising, in terms of both the number of countries that plan to implement national electronic health record systems and the number that consider it likely that data from these systems will be used for some aspects of health care quality monitoring. They also appear promising for the further use of existing personal health databases and for the linkage of multiple data sources to generate new evidence.


Questionnaire on secondary use of health data

Members of the OECD Health Care Quality Expert Group participated in a questionnaire to explore the potential, the barriers and the best practices to link existing data to inform about health and health care quality. The questionnaire sought information about the general environment in countries for the secondary use of personal health data, as well as specific case studies involving the use of personal health data. The questionnaire also asked for the names of contact persons that could be invited to a follow-up telephone interview to learn more about the general environment for secondary use of personal health data and the specific case studies.


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