Documents de travail de l'OCDE sur l'économie numérique

Les technologies de l'information et de la communication sont largement diffusées et utilisées, ce qui renforce leur incidence économique et sociale. L'OCDE conduit des activités pour aider à mieux comprendre la façon dont les TIC contribuent à une croissance économique et un bien-être social durables, ainsi que leur rôle dans l'évolution vers des sociétés fondées sur la connaissance.

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International Traffic Termination

This report examines measures taken in countries that have restricted the ability for markets to set termination charges for incoming international telecommunication traffic by mandating rates below which no market player can diverge. The report explores empirically the effects of the introduction of such policies and finds that an increase of these termination charges reduces traffic (measured by minutes or calls) in such a way that the expected increase in revenue, given the rise of the termination charge, may be countervailed. Thus, the report concludes that these practices are not in the best interest of the countries where they have been introduced or of countries paying the higher termination rates.


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