OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2010

image of OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2010

The tourism sector, a vital driver of job-creation and growth, is under pressure. Facing an increasingly competitive landscape, tourism in many OECD countries has started to lag, in both growth rate and productivity. This book defines the major trends and challenges facing tourism in the next decade – from globalisation to environmental issues. To address these challenges, the book then provides specific policy guidance and recommendations for making tourism more competitive and environmentally sustainable. Tourism data from 42 countries are presented and analysed including all OECD countries, and fast-growing tourism centres such as Brazil, Chile, China and India.


Tourism Satellite Accounts

Data for Business and Policy Development

The Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework (TSA) is the main internationally recognised standard to measure tourism in the economy. An increasing number of countries, notably within the OECD area, are implementing the TSA. The benefits of the TSA are wide-ranging: quality benchmark, assessment of tourism contribution in the economy, extensions, e.g. indirect impacts, employment, quarterly and regional data. To a large extent, however, TSA data remain underused. Some key issues limit the usage of the TSA, such as the lack of knowledge about the account, the timeliness, the lack of spatial dimension or the insufficient international comparability. This chapter recommends increasing international efforts in the following areas: i) implementation of internationally recommended standards; ii) involvement of more stakeholders in the production and dissemination of TSA data and extensions; iii) adjustment and better communication of TSA products to users; and iv) building the capacity of TSA users. The OECD, one of the main developers of the TSA, is fully committed to support these efforts.


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