Value for Money in Government: Denmark 2011

image of Value for Money in Government: Denmark 2011
This report presents the results of an assessment of the organisation of the central government of Denmark. The study looks at reforms that are aimed at improving the quality of services (more value) and efficiency (less money) in central government. Starting with facts and quantitative benchmarks on the Danish central government, the study reviews recent reforms in Denmark, and makes recommendations in ten selected areas. The study concludes with a survey of the effects on the quality of services and the potential savings.


Executive Summary

This report presents the results of the assessment of the organisation of central government in Denmark. It is part of the Value for Money in Government series, which is a multi-annual study that aims to identify reforms currently under way or planned in OECD member countries that are interesting from the point of view of value for money. The study looks at reforms aimed at improving the quality of services (more value) and efficiency (less money) in central government.


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