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  • 19 déc. 2012
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 372

Les inégalités entre hommes et femmes se retrouvent dans tous les domaines de la vie économique et représentent une importante perte de richesse potentielle en termes de productivité et de niveau de vie, pour les intéressées elles-mêmes et pour l’ensemble de l’économie. Ce nouveau rapport de l’OCDE examine comment réduire au mieux les inégalités entre les sexes selon quatre axes : 1) les normes sociales et les politiques publiques ; 2) l’éducation ; 3) l’emploi ; et 4) l’entrepreneuriat.

Les messages clés sont les suivants :

• une plus grande égalité entre garçons et filles en ce qui concerne le niveau de formation atteint a un effet positif fort sur la croissance économique ;

• il faut lutter contre les stéréotypes dans le choix des études à l’école dès le plus jeune âge. Par exemple, il faudrait adapter les stratégies et le matériel pédagogique pour davantage inciter les garçons à lire et les filles à choisir les mathématiques et les sciences ; il faudrait encourager un plus grand nombre de jeunes filles à suivre des études dans les domaines scientifiques, de l’ingénierie et des mathématiques, au niveau des études supérieures, et à rechercher un emploi dans ces domaines ;

• des modes de garde d’enfant de qualité et d’un coût abordable sont un facteur clé pour faire progresser l’égalité entre hommes et femmes en matière d’emploi. Mais il faut aussi que les choses changent à la maison car ce sont les femmes, dans de nombreux pays, qui assument l’essentiel des tâches ménagères et des soins aux proches. Les politiques publiques peuvent favoriser ces évolutions, par exemple par des dispositifs en matière de congé parental qui incluent expressément les pères ;

• les mesures destinées à soutenir l’entrepreneuriat au féminin doivent viser toutes les entreprises existantes et pas seulement les entreprises en création et les petites entreprises. Il faut garantir l’égalité d’accès aux financements aux entrepreneurs hommes et aux entrepreneurs femmes.

Coréen, Anglais, Allemand, Espagnol
  • 18 déc. 2012
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 419

Todos los gobiernos de la OCDE desean brindar a los padres y las madres más opciones respecto a sus decisiones laborales y familiares. Esta obra explora las diferentes maneras en que los gobiernos apoyan a las familias. Busca responder a interrogantes como: ¿está aumentando el gasto en beneficios para las familias, y cómo cambia según la edad de los niños? ¿La crisis afectó el apoyo público a las familias? ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de asesorar a los adultos para que tengan el número de hijos que desean? ¿Cuáles son los efectos de los programas de licencia por paternidad/maternidad en la oferta de mano de obra de mujeres y en el bienestar de los niños? ¿Son los costos de cuidado infantil un obstáculo para que los padres o las madres trabajen, y pueden ayudar opciones flexibles de los lugares de trabajo? ¿Cuál es el mejor periodo para que las madres regresen a laborar tras haber dado a luz? ¿Cuáles son las mejores políticas para reducir la pobreza entre los padres o las madres solteros?

Coréen, Français, Anglais
  • 17 déc. 2012
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 352

Gender gaps are pervasive in all walks of economic life and imply large losses in terms of foregone productivity and living standards to the individuals concerned and the economy. This new OECD report focuses on how best to close these gender gaps under four broad headings: 1) Gender equality, social norms and public policies; and gender equality in 2) education; 3) employment and 4) entrepreneurship.

Key policy messages are as follows:
-Greater gender equality in educational attainment has a strong positive effect on economic growth;
-Stereotyping needs to be addressed in educational choices at school from a young age. For example, adapt teaching strategies and material to increase engagement of boys in reading and of girls in maths and science; encourage more girls to follow science, engineering and maths courses in higher education and seek employment in these fields;
-Good and affordable childcare is a key factor for better gender equality in employment. But change also has to happen at home as the bulk of housework and caring is left to women in many countries. Policy can support such change, for example, through parental leave policies that explicitly include fathers.
-Support policies for women-owned enterprises need to target all existing firms, not just start-ups and small enterprises. Equal access to finance for male and female entrepreneurs needs to be assured.

Français, Espagnol, Coréen, Allemand

The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises aim to help businesses meet the challenge of acting responsibly in any country they operate by providing a global framework for responsible conduct covering all areas of business ethics. While observance of the Guidelines by enterprises is voluntary and not legally enforceable, adhering governments are committed to promoting their observance among enterprises. This Annual Report, the twelfth in a series, and the first since the Guidelines were updated in May 2011, describes what adhering governments have done to live up to their commitment over the 12 months to June 2012 . In particular it highlights the mediation and consensus building activities promoted by National Contact Points, the Guidelines' implementation mechanism set up by adhering governments.

  • 04 déc. 2012
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 132

This review of regulation in Greece maps and analyses the core issues which together make up effective regulatory management, laying down a framework of what should be driving regulatory policy and reform in the future. Issues examined include improving regulatory management, institutional capacities for effective regulation, transparency and processes for effective public consultation and communication, processes for the development of new regulations and for the management of the regulatory stock, compliance rates, enforcement policy. appeal processes, the interface between different levels of government and interface between national processes and those of the EU.

This report addresses multilevel governance challenges in water policy in the Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) and identifies good practices for co-ordinating water across ministries, between levels of government, and across local and regional actors.  Based on the OECD Multilevel Governance Framework and a survey on water governance, the report i) maps the allocation of roles and responsibilities in 13 LAC countries’ water policy at central government and sub-national level; ii) identifies the main coordination “gaps” in terms of territorial and institutional fragmentation, funding mismatch, information asymmetry, accountability, objectives and capacity, and iii) provides a range of mechanisms to improve water governance at all levels and foster capacity-building.

  • 21 nov. 2012
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 272

This report gives an update on fiscal consolidation strategies across OECD member countries since last year. Chapter 1 describes the scope and composition of country plans, compares them with calculated fiscal need, and provides information on the timing and details. Chapter 2 contains notes on each of the countries which present the current fiscal position and announced fiscal paths, the consolidation plans, and detailed expenditure and revenue measures. Chapter 3 discusses the financial situation and consolidation needs of sub-national governments, and the policies that are being carried out at both levels of government to reach the consolidation objectives.


En el presente informe se abordan los desafíos de gobernabilidad entre niveles de gobierno en las políticas del agua de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) y se identifican las buenas prácticas para la coordinación del sector del agua entre ministerios o secretarías, entre órdenes de gobierno y entre actores locales y regionales. Con base en el Marco de Gobernabilidad Pluri-nivel de la OCDE y en un cuestionario sobre la gobernabilidad del agua, este informe: i) hace una revisión de la asignación de funciones y responsabilidades en las políticas del agua de 13 países de ALC en los niveles de gobierno central y subnacional; ii) identifica las principales “brechas” de coordinación en términos de fragmentación territorial e institucional, desajuste de financiamiento, asimetría de información, rendición de cuentas, objetivos y capacidad, y iii) ofrece una gama de mecanismos para mejorar la gobernabilidad del agua e impulsar el fortalecimiento de capacidades en todos los niveles.

  • 15 nov. 2012
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 148

Austerity drives are leading governments to reduce operational cuts through the wage bill and staffing levels. A big lesson from past experience suggests that when pay cuts and freezes are necessary, it is essential to assess the savings relative to the costs – the loss of institutional knowledge if key contributors retire or resign, the time lost by managers and employees who have to deal with the issues related to vacancies and reorganizations, the lost productivity while people acquire new skills and learn new jobs, and the falloff in performance among employees who become discouraged or unsatisfied. This assessment does not appear to have taken place in the current crisis.

This report argues that any new approaches to public sector pay must help to: enhance external competitiveness of salaries; promote internal equity throughout the public sector; reflect the values of public organisations; and align compensation with government’s core strategic objectives. It calls for a recognition of the supply and demand for specific expertise.

Brazil’s agenda to enhance integrity and prevent corruption is particularly critical in order to address a number of challenges facing the country’s public administration. The challenges include managing risks associated with innovation in public service delivery, achieving value for money and minimising waste in government operations and meeting the expectations of citizens regarding the conduct of public organisations.

This report is the first integrity review of a G20 country undertaken by the OECD. It assesses the implementation and coherence of instruments, processes and structures to create a culture of integrity and to manage risks affecting the operations and performance of public organisations.

The report analyses four main areas of focus : (i) promoting transparency and citizen engagement; (ii) implementing risk-based systems of internal control; (iii) embedding high standards of conduct; and (iv) enhancing integrity in public procurement.

It is complemented by three case studies to highlight issues of integrity management at the level of individual public functions, organisations and programmes: the federal tax administration, the Family Grant (a conditional cash transfer) Programme; and the National STD/AIDS Programme.

هذه التوصيات هي أول اداة دولية لمعالجة السياسات التنظيمية والإدارة والحوكة الرشيدة  كنشاط تشارك فيه الحكومة ككل. وهي تحدّد التدابير التي يمكن للحكومات من خلالها تنفيذ أو تعزيز الإصلاح التنظيمي

Coréen, Portugais, Anglais, Slovaque, Espagnol, All

Esta Recomendação é o primeiro instrumento internacional para tratar a política regulatória, gestão e governo como um todo da actividade governamental. Fornece as medidas pelas quais os governos podem implementar ou fazer progredir a reforma regulatória.

Espagnol, Coréen, Arabe, Anglais, Allemand, All

This Recommendation is the first international instrument to address regulatory policy, management and governance as a whole-of-government activity. It sets out the measures by which governments can implement or advance regulatory reform.

Allemand, Français, Portugais, Espagnol, Arabe, All

Tieto Odporúčania sú prvým medzinárodným nástrojom pre riešenie regulačnej politiky, riadenia a správy regulácie ako horizontálnej aktivity naprieč vládou. Stanovuje opatrenia, s pomocí ktorých môžu vlády implementovať alebo zlepšovať reformu regulácie.

Coréen, Arabe, Français, Portugais, Anglais, All
  • 02 nov. 2012
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 38

Diese Empfehlung ist das erste internationale Instrument, das Regulierungspolitik, Verwaltung und Governance als Gesamtregierungstätigkeit behandelt. Sie legt die Maßnahmen dar, mit denen Regierungen Regulierungsreformen umsetzen bzw. beschleunigen können.

Portugais, Espagnol, Slovaque, Anglais, Arabe, All

La Recomendación es el primer instrumento internacional en desarrollar un marco sistémico sobre gestión y gobernanza regulatoria como una política de gobierno completo. Establece mecanismos, y ofrece asesoría sobre el desarrollo de instituciones, por medio de las cuales los gobiernos puedan implementar regulación de calidad.

Français, Allemand, Portugais, Coréen, Anglais, All

La Recommandation est le premier instrument international à traiter de la politique, de la gestion et de la gouvernance réglementaires comme responsabilités partagées par l’ensemble des administrations. Elle présente les mesures que les gouvernements peuvent mettre en œuvre afin d’encourager les réformes réglementaires.

Espagnol, Coréen, Allemand, Portugais, Arabe, All

This Recommendation is the first international instrument to address regulatory policy, management and governance as a whole-of-government activity. It sets out the measures by which governments can implement or advance regulatory reform.

Espagnol, Français, Allemand, Slovaque, Portugais, All

The OECD Review of Regulatory Reform in Indonesia focuses on the administrative and institutional arrangements for ensuring that regulations are effective and efficient. It covers the medium term macroeconomic linkages with regulatory policy; of institutional and procedural arrangements for regulatory policy and governance; non-tariff barriers and behind the border constraints to market openness; competition policy in relation to infrastructure; and budgetary and governance arrangements for the management of Public Private Partnerships (PPP). A specific emphasis has been given to the challenges of decentralization for improving connectivity across the Indonesian archipelago and regulatory obstacles in the areas of ports rail and shipping.

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